MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography || Ch - 10 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems || With Answer || NCERT CBSE

 1. Monsoon is:

(a) Local winds
(b) Seasonal winds
(c) Planetary winds
(d) Periodic winds
► (b) Seasonal winds

2. Air pressure is measured with the help of a
(a) Thermometer.
(b) Hygrometer.
(c) Barometer.
(d) Isobars.
► (c) Barometer.

3. A wind circulation around a low pressure centre is called
(a) a cyclone.
(b) an anticyclone.
(c) chinook.
(d) trade winds.
► (a) a cyclone.

4. Subtropical highs are the areas between
(a) 30° N and 30° S.
(b) 40° N and 40° S.
(c) 45° N and 45° S.
(d) 50° N and 50° S.
► (a) 30° N and 30° S.
5. Horizontal distribution of pressure is studied by drawing
(a) isotherms.
(b) isobars.
(c) isoheights.
(d) isochrones.
► (b) isobars.

6. If an air mass is fully lifted above the land surface, it is called:
(a) Warm front
(b) Cold front
(c) Occluded front
(d) Anticyclones
► (c) Occluded front

7. Isobars are the lines of:
(a) Equal temperature
(b) Equal pressure
(c) Equal height
(d) Equal rainfall
► (b) Equal pressure

8. The vertical pressure gradient force is much ----- than that of the horizontal pressure gradient.
(a) Lesser
(b) Larger
(c) Equal to
(d) Stronger
► (b) Larger

9. In the Western Australia, tropical cyclone is also known as
(a) Hurricane.
(b) Typhoons.
(c) Monsoon.
(d) Willy-Willies
► (d) Willy-Willies

10. The standard atmosphere is a unit of pressure defined as
(a) 101325 Pascal
(b) 1325 Pascal
(c) 10132 Pascal
(d) 11325 Pascal
► (a) 101325 Pascal

11. The weight of a column of air contained in a unit area from the mean sea level to the top of the atmosphere
(a) Atmospheric pressure
(b) Typhoons
(c) Isobars
(d) Coriolis force
► (a) Atmospheric pressure

12.  The force exerted by the rotation of the earth is known
(a) Atmospheric pressure
(b) Equal pressure
(c) Coriolis force
(d) All of the above
► (c) Coriolis force

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