MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography || Ch - 14 Movements of Ocean Water || With Answer || NCERT CBSE

 1. Wave amplitude is:

(a) The height of the wave
(b) The breadth of the wave
(c) Half of the wave height
(d) It is the time interval between two successive waves
► (c) Half of the wave height

2. Wave speed is the rate at which the wave moves through the water, and is measured in
(a) Knots.
(b) Miles.
(c) Kilometer.
(d) Kilogram.
► (a) Knots.

3. The most common tidal pattern, featuring two high tides and two low tides each day is called
(a) Neap tide
(b) Mixed tide
(c) Semi-diurnal tide
(d) Diurnal tide
► (c) Semi-diurnal tide

4. The factor that affects the origin and movement of currents is
(a) river flow.
(b) salinity and density of water.
(c) tides.
(d) prevailing winds.
► (b) salinity and density of water.

5. The current of Indian Ocean is
(a) The west wind drift.
(b) Labrador.
(c) California.
(d) Kuroshio.
► (a) The west wind drift.
6. Wave crest and trough refers to:
(a) Wave size
(b) Wave length
(c) The highest and lowest points of a wave
(d) Wave speed
► (c) The highest and lowest points of a wave

7. Great barrier reef is in
(a) Antarctic ocean.
(b) Australia.
(c) Austria.
(d) China.
► (b) Australia.

8. The current of Atlantic ocean is
(a) west wind drift.
(b) Gulf stream.
(c) Equatorial counter current.
(d) Alaska current.
► (b) Gulf stream.

9. The time between the high tide and low tide, when the water level is falling, is called:
(a) drift
(b) nab
(c) ebb
(d) current.
► (c) ebb

10. The Thermodynamics of the ocean are:
(a) Currents
(b) Waves 
(c) Tides
(d) Salinity
► (d) Salinity

11. ______causes waves to travel in the ocean and the energy is released on shorelines.
(a) Wind
(b) Land
(c) Water
(d) Soil
► (a) Wind

12. The time between the low tide and high tide, when the tide is rising, is called:
(a) drift
(b) flood
(c) ebb
(d) current.
► (b) flood

13. Seaward movement of water is known as:
(a) Undertow
(b) Ebb
(c) Current
(d) Flood
► (a) Undertow

14. Huge masses of floating ice are known as:
(a) Current
(b) Ebb
(c) Icebergs
(d) Flood
► (c) Icebergs

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