MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography || Ch - 11 Water in the Atmosphere || With Answer || NCERT CBSE

 1. When the water containing air becomes saturated, then

(a) it will be calm.
(b) it will be windy above sea and rainy above land.
(c) it will start to rain.
(d) clouds will be formed.
► (d) clouds will be formed.

2. What is the energy required to change water's state or phase, without changing its temperature called?
(a) Latent heat of the Earth
(b) Latent heat of the water
(c) Latent heat of the rock
(d) Latent heat of the atmosphere
► (b) Latent heat of the water

3. When air containing water reaches its saturation point, then
(a) No more water evaporates from the ground.
(b) It leads to evaporation above sea and precipitation above land.
(c) Water vapour forms droplets.
(d) The droplets fall out of the clouds.
► (c) Water vapour forms droplets.

4. The percentage of moisture present in the atmosphere as compared to its full capacity at a given temperature is known as the
(a) Relative humidity
(b) Specific humidity
(c) Absolute humidity
(d) Saturated air
► (a) Relative humidity
5. The air can only contain a certain amount of water vapour before it is saturated. This amount is dependent on
(a) the temperature of the air.
(b) whether the air is above sea or land.
(c) the wind speed.
(d) the amount of dust particles in the air.
► (a) the temperature of the air.

6. Orographic rainfall is more on
(a) windward slopes.
(b) leeward slopes.
(c) plains.
(d) valleys.
► (a) windward slopes.

7. Rain shadow zone means
(a) windward slopes of the mountains.
(b) leeward side of the mountain.
(c) mountainous area.
(d) coastal area.
► (b) leeward side of the mountain.

8. The alto clouds are found at
(a) high levels.
(b) mid levels.
(c) low levels.
(d) low, mid and high levels.
► (b) mid levels.

9. Transformation of water vapours into water is called
(a) evaporation.
(b) condensation.
(c) sublimation.
(d) saturation.
► (b) condensation.

10. What is the temperature at which saturation occurs in a given sample of air known?
(a) Saturation point
(b) Dew point
(c) Condensation point
(d) Absolute humidity
► (b) Dew point

11. The actual amount of the water vapour present in the atmosphere is known as _________
(a) Relative humidity
(b) Absolute humidity
(c) Condensation
(d) None of the above
► (b) Absolute humidity

12. If water vapour directly condenses into solid form, it is known as _________
(a) evaporation.
(b) condensation.
(c) sublimation.
(d) saturation.
► (c) sublimation.

13. ________ is a mass of minute water droplets or tiny crystals of ice formed by the condensation of the water vapour in free air at considerable elevations.
(a) Dew
(b) Frost
(c) Cloud
(d) Mist
► (c) Cloud

14. ______ is frozen raindrops and refrozen melted snow-water.
(a) Sleet
(b) Frost
(c) Cloud
(d) Mist
► (a) Sleet

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