Equality || 11th Class Pol. Science Ch-3 ( Book-2) || Notes in English

" Equality "

Meaning of equality :-

Equality means that all human beings are equal in all aspects as they are equal from birth as a human being. And everyone should be equally educated, wealthy and should get equal status in the society. 

️ Similarities :-

Equality is the most important right among the fundamental rights. Equality claims that all human beings deserve equal importance and respect because of their common humanity. This notion is the father of universal human rights. 

Despite the inclusion of equality in the laws of many countries, there is a huge inequality of wealth, wealth, opportunity, work, status and power in the society.

According to equality, the opportunities or behavior enjoyed by an individual should not be determined by birth or social circumstances.

Natural inequalities arise among people due to their different abilities and talents and social inequalities arise from inequalities and exploitation of opportunities. 

️ Positive aspect of equality :-

The positive aspects of equality mean giving ample opportunities to develop one's potential and eliminating the special privileges given to certain sections of the society. 

️ Three dimensions of equality :-

Political equality :- 

Providing equal citizenship to all citizens is included in political equality. Equal citizenship also brings with it the right to vote, the right to form organizations and freedom of expression, etc. 

Economic equality :- 

The goal of economic equality is to reduce the gap between the rich and poor groups. It is true that complete equality of wealth or income has probably never existed in any society, but the democratic state allows the individual to improve his condition by providing equal opportunities. Gives a chance 

Social equality :- 

Giving political equality and equal rights was the first step towards achieving this goal, as well as the essentials for the survival of all the people in the society - along with the things, adequate health facilities, education, nutritious food and the guarantee of minimum wages were also considered necessary. has gone . It will also be the responsibility of the state to provide equal rights to the deprived sections of the society and women.

️ Importance of equality :-

Equality is necessary for liberty. 

Having equality, no one discriminates between citizens on the basis of caste, religion, language, race, color and sex. 

To get social justice and social freedom, equality is very important.

Equality is essential for good rule of law in a democracy, otherwise democracy has no value. 

The significance of fundamental rights is also from equality. 

Equality is essential for the development of all.

️ Marxism :-

The solution to eradicating social and economic inequalities should be public ownership of economic resources by eliminating private ownership.

Marxism believes in trying to establish equality by controlling the people over economic amendment.

️ Liberal :-

Liberals, in the matter of distribution of resources in society, support the principle of rivalry and consider the intervention of the state necessary. Liberals believe in bringing out deserving people from all walks of life through open competition.

️ Socialism :-

Socialism means equitable distribution of resources by minimizing inequalities. Ram Manohar Lohia, the prominent socialist thinker of India.

According to socialism and Marxism, economic inequalities promote inequalities like social status or privilege, so there is a need to ensure control of the people, not private ownership of economic resources, going beyond equal opportunity. 

️ Settlement of equality on the basis of race in the United States :-

In 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed by the government, in which there was an attempt to establish equality on the basis of color, race and religion. Barack Hussein Obama, a black man, has twice held America's most dignified office. Which is an example of the rejection of the policy of apartheid, but still the echo of violence against blacks is heard from time to time in the society.

️ Steps taken by the Government of India for social equality :-

Equality before the law (Article 14) 

Abolition of untouchability (Article 17) 

 Provision of reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Parliament and Legislative Assemblies. 

Reservation of SC, ST, and OBC in government services.

33 percent reservation for women in local government (Article 73-74) 

️ Differential treatment (reservation) :-

Some differential treatment (reservation) policy has been made keeping in mind the difference between people, so that all sections of the society can have equal access to opportunities. In some countries this has been named the policy of affirmative action. 

The struggle for equal rights by women is mainly associated with the feminist movement. Privileges like maternity leave are extremely important for women's society.

The purpose of differential treatment or privilege is to promote a just and equitable society and not to re-create the privileged class in the society.

️ Some inequalities present in the country :-

Income inequality 

Gender inequality is society 

Existing Slums 

Inequality among educational institutions