12th Class History Ch-6 || Bhakti-Sufi Traditions || MCQ Term-1 || English Medium

Question 1. By the middle of the first millennium, the environment of the Indian continent was marked by

A- Stupa
B- Temple
C- Vihara
D- All of the above


Question 2. By the twelfth century AD in Puri (Orissa), the main deity was presented as a form of Vishnu?

A- Jagannath
B- Shiva
C- Krishna
D- None of these

Ans- A

Question 3. What is the literal meaning of Jagannath?

A- The lord of the whole country
B- The lord of the whole world
C- The lord of the whole universe
D- All of the above

Ans- B

Question 4. The words __ and __ were printed by the 20th century sociologist Robert Redfield to describe the cultural practices of a farming society?

A- great, devotional tradition
B- great, small
C-small, cultivator
D- none of these

Ans- B

Question 5. The goddess was worshiped in the form of a stone grandson from __?

A- sandalwood
B- tilak
C- vermilion
D- color

Ans- C

Question 6. The method of worship of Goddess is known as __?

Goddess sect 
idol worship 
none of these

Ans- B

Question 7. Which of the following gods belong to the Vedic god clan?

A- Agni 
B- Indra 
C- Mon 
D- All of the above


Question 8. Who used to disregard the Vedic truth?

A- People who do not perform Yagya
B- People who do  not believe in Vedas 
C- People engaged in Tantric worship
D- None of these

Ans- C

Question 9. Who became the important intermediary between the deities and the devotees in the Bhakti traditions?

A- Saint 
B- Brahmin 
C- God
D- None of these

Ans- B

Question 10. Into how many main classes do historians of religion divide the Bhakti tradition?

A- 2 
B- 3 
C- 4 
D- 6

Ans- A

Question 11. According to Saguna Bhakti, __ is worshipped?

A- Worship of Shiva, Vishnu and his incarnation
B- Worship of   Goddess
C- Worship in  embodiment
D- All of the above


Question 12. According to Nirguna Bhakti, __ is worshipped?

A- Worship of formless God 
B- Idol worship
C- Worship in abstract form
D- Both A and C


Question 13. The early Bhakti movement started around ___?

A- fifth century 
B- sixth century 
C- seventh century 
D- eighth century

Ans- B

Question 14. Who among the following was a devotee of Vishnu?

A- Alvar
B- Veerashaiva
C- Nayanar
D- All of the above

Ans- A

Question 15. Who among the following was a devotee of Shiva?

A- Alvar
B- Jain
C- Nayanar
D- All of the above

Ans- C

Question 16. This tradition was honored by calling the works of Alvar and Nayanar saints as important as __?

A- Puranas
B- Vedas
C- Gita
D- Bhakti literature

Ans- B

Question 17. Nalayiradivyaprabandham is related to which of the following?

A- Poetry compilation of Alvar saints
B- Poetry compilation of  Nayanar saints
C- Poetry compilation of Brahmins
D- None of these

Ans- A

Question 18. Which of the following poetry collections is considered as Tamil Vedas?

A- Nalayiradivyaprabandham
B- Ammiyar
C- Andal
D- Any of these

Ans- A

Question 19- A woman named Andal used to express her love feelings in verses considering herself as the beloved of which god?

A- Shiva 
B- Vishnu 
C- Indra 
D- none of these

Ans- B

Question 20. Which of the following Nayanar female Shiva devotee had adopted the path of severe penance?

A- Andal 
B- Karaikal Ammaiyar
C- Meera
D- None of these

Ans- B

Question 21. Which of the following emperors supported the Brahmin and Bhakti tradition and gave land grants for the construction of Vishnu and Shiva temples?

A- Cholas
B- Pallava
C- Kushanas
D- None of these

Ans- A

Question 22. Which of the following Shiva temples were built with the help of the Chola emperors? 

A- Chidambaram 
B- Thanjavur 
C- Gangekodacholapuram
D- All of the above


Question 23. Alvar and Nayanar saints were honored by ___ cultivators?

A- Poor farmer
B- Vellala farmer
C- Zamindar 
D- None of these

Ans- B

Question 24. Tavaram Granth is related to _ _ _ _ _?

A- biography of saints
B- biography of kings
C- devotional literature
D- compilation of hymns

Ans- C

Question 25. Which Chola emperor got the metal statues of the saint poets Appar Sambandar and Sundarar installed in a Shiva temple?

A- Vijayalaya Chola
B- Arinjaya Chola
C- Rajendra Chola
D- Parantaka I


Question 26. Which Brahmin led the emergence of a new movement in Karnataka in the 12th century?

A- Basavanna
B- Chalukya king
C- Harihara and Bukka
D- none of these

Ans- A

Question 27. Basavanna initially believed in ____ opinion?

A- Jain 
B- Buddhist 
C- Sanatan 
D- None of these

Ans- A

Question 28. Who among the following was a minister in the court of Kalachuri Raja?

A- Birbal 
B- Tenaliram
C- Basavanna
D- Mansingh

Ans- C

Question 29. What were the followers of Basavanna called?

A- Lingayat 
B- Veer of Shiva (Virashaiva)
C- Bearing  Linga 
D- All of the above


Question 30. Which of the following is not related to Veerashaiva tradition?

A- Burial of the dead 
B- Opposing the caste system 
C- Not believing in reincarnation
D- Prohibiting widow remarriage


Question 31. What is the knower of Islam called?

A- Qazi 
B- Ulama
C- Sharia
D- Ijma

Ans- B

Question 32. When did the Arab traders reach the ports of the west by sea?

A- 1st millennium AD
B- 2nd millennium AD
C- 1st century BCE
D- none of these

Ans- A

Question 33. Where was the commander of Muhammad bin Qasim?

A- Africa's 
B- Europe's 
C- Arabia's 
D- India's

Ans- C

Question 34. When did Muhammad bin Qasim conquer Sindh and include it in the Caliphate region?

A- 710 AD 
B- 711 AD 
C- 811 AD 
D- 911 in

Ans- B

Question 35. When did Turks and Afghans lay the foundation of Delhi Sultanate?

A- 11th century AD
B- 12th century AD 
C- 13th century AD 
D- 14th century AD

Ans- C

Question 36. When was the Mughal Sultanate established?

A- 11th century AD
B- 12th century AD 
C- 13th century AD 
D- 16th century AD


Question 37. The Jews and Christians living in the area of ​​Islamic rulers were called __?

A- Jimmy
B- Jima
C- Ulama
D- Sharia

Ans- A

Question 38. What was the jizya tax?

A- Tax to be levied on agriculture
B- Tax to be taken from village
C- Tax to be collected from non-Muslim people D- Tax
to be collected from Muslim people

Ans- C

Question 39. What is Sharia?

A- Law to guide Muslim community
B- Law to guide Christian community
C- Law to guide Jewish community
D- All of the above

Ans- A

Question 40. What are those traditions called where women after marriage stay with their children in their maternal home?

A- matrilineal tradition
B- patriarchal tradition
C- matrilineal
D- none of these

Ans- C

Question 41- Turkish Muslims are called

A- Tajik
B- Parsik
C- Yavan
D- Turushk


Question 42- The people of Persia are called _?

A- Tajik
B- Parsik
C- Yavan
D- Turushk

Ans-  B

Question 43. Turks and Afghans are also called __ and __?

A- Saka, Turushka
B-Saka, Yavan
C-Malech, Yavan
D- none of these

Ans- B

Question 44- The word __ has been used in Islamic texts for Sufism?

A-  Sufi
B- Tasawwuf
C- Sufi
D- None of these

Ans- B

Question 45- The inclination of some spiritual people towards mysticism and detachment increased, they were called __?

A- Orthodox
B- Follower of Saint
C- Silsila
D- Sufi


Question 46. The Sufis considered the Prophet Muhammad as __?

A- God
B- Ordinary man
C- Man - A - Kamil
D- Human - A - capable

Ans- C

Question 47 What is the literal meaning of Silsila?

A- Zanjeer
B- Sheikh
C- Sufi
D- Dynasty

Ans- A

Question 48. The one who claimed to be close to Allah and had the power to enchant with the blessings received from him was called ___?

A- Saint
B- Wali
C- Sheikh
D- None of these

Ans- B

Question 49 - Chishti city was located in ___?

A- Central India
B- Central Afghanistan
C- Pakistan
D- Turkey
E- None of these 

Ans- B

Question 50. The one who disobeyed Sharia was called ___?

A- Ba - Sharia
B- Bay - Sharia

Ans- B

Q51. The Dargah of Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya is situated in ___?

A- Delhi 
B- Ajmer
C- Mumbai 
D- Gujarat

Ans- A

Q52. The Dargah of Sheikh Moinuddin Chisti is situated in ___?

A- Delhi 
B- Ajmer
C- Mumbai 
D- Gujarat

Ans- B

Question 53. Who among the following was called Garib Nawaz?

A- Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti
B- Sheikh Naseeruddin Sheikh 
C- Fariduddin
D- Bakhtiyar Kaki

Ans- A

Question 54. Which sultan first visited the dargah of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti?

A- Emperor Akbar
B- Badshah Birbal
C- Mohammad bin Tughlaq 
D- Bakhtiyar Kaki

Ans- C

Question 55. How many times did Akbar visit the dargah of Sheikh Moinuddin Chishti?

A- 10 times 
B- 12 times 
C- 14 times 
D- 26 times

Ans- C

Question 56. Amir Khusro was

A- Poet 
B- Musician 
C- Doctor 
D- Both A and B


Question 57. Who was the follower of Amir Khusro?

A- Sheikh Moinuddin Chishti 
B- Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya 
C- Bakhtiyar Kaki 
D- None of these

Ans- B

Question 58. ___ was sung at the beginning and end of Qawwali?

A- Qawwali
B- Antara
C- Mukhda
D- Kaul


Question 59. Who is the author of Padmavat?

A- Phanishwar Nath Renu
B- Malik Mohammad Jayasi
C- Premchandra
D- Kabir

Ans- B

Question 60. Kabir's speech is compiled in ___ specific convention?

A- 2
B- 3
C- 4
D- 5

Ans- B

Question 61 Who among the following used to call the truth as Allah, Khuda, Hazrat and Pir?

A- Kabir 
B- Guru Nanak Dev 
C- Mirabai 
D- Ramanand

Ans- A

Question 62. Who was the guru who showed Kabir the path of devotion?

A- Ramanand
B- Shamanad
C- Ramanuja
D- None of these


Question 63 Nankana village of Punjab which was near Ravi river is related to whose birth?

A- Guru Arjun Dev 
B- Baba Farid 
C- Ravidas 
D- Guru Nanak


Question 64: Baba Guru Nanak preached __ Bhakti?

A- Saguna
B- Nirguna
C- Saguna and Nirguna both 
D-none of these

Ans- B

Question 65 Whose servant was Mardana?

A- Guru Gobind Singh
B- Guru Nanak
C- Guru Arjun Dev
D- None of these

Ans- B

Question 66: Whom did Guru Nanak Dev ascend to the post of Guru after him?

A- Guru Gobind Singh
B- Guru Nanak
C- Guru Arjun Dev
D- Angad


Question 67 Who among the following was the fifth Sikh Guru?

A- Guru Gobind Singh
B- Guru Nanak
C- Guru Arjan Dev
D- Angad

Ans- C

Question 68 Who got the Bani of Guru Nanak and his four successors compiled in the Adi Granth Sahib?

A- Guru Gobind Singh
B- Guru Nanak
C- Guru Arjan Dev
D- Angad

Ans- C

Question 69 The compilation of the Bani of Guru Nanak and his four successors in the Adi Granth Sahib is called __?

A- Guruvachan
B- Gurbani
C- Knowledge
D- Shabad

Ans- B

Question 70 Who was the tenth Guru of the Sikhs?

A- Guru Tegh Bahadur 
B- Guru Gobind Singh 
C- Guru Arjun Dev 
D- Kabir

Ans- B

Question 71 Who laid the foundation of Khalsa Panth?

A- Guru Tegh Bahadur 
B- Guru Gobind Singh 
C- Guru Arjun Dev 
D- Kabir

Ans- B

Question 72 What are the main five symbols of Khalsa Panth?

A- Uncut case 
B- Saber and Kachchh 
C- Comb and Iron Kada 
D- All of the above


Question 73. Who among the following did Meera accept as her only husband?

A- Vishnu 
B- Krishna 
C- Shiva 
D- none of these

Ans- B

Question 74. Raidas was the guru of which of the following?

A- Kabir
B- Mirabai
C- Guru Nanak
D- Angad

Ans- B

Question 75. The main poetic composition of Shankar Dev is__?

A- Tirtha 
B- Kirtan Ghosh
C- Abhigyan Shakuntalam
D- Padmavat

Ans- B

Question 76. Who emerged as the main propagator of Vaishnavism in Assam in the late 15th century?

A- Shankar
B- Devraj
C- Shankardev
D- Shankaracharya

Ans- C

1. Tulsidas, a prominent leader of the Bhakti Movement, lived in:
(a) Gwalior.
(b) Haryana.
(c) Uttar Pradesh.
(d) Bihar.
► (c) Uttar Pradesh.

2. The Sufi saint who was addressed as Sultan-ul-mashaikh, by his disciples, was
(a) Shaikh Muinuddin Sijzi.
(b) Shaikh Fariduddin Ganj-i Shakar.
(c) Shaikh Salim Chishti.
(d) Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya.
► (d) Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya.

3. Who composed Kirtana-ghosha?
(a) Shankaradeva
(b) Surdas
(c) Kabir Das
(d) Sundaramurti
► (a) Shankaradeva

4. Shaikh Nizamuddin’s hospice comprised several small rooms and a big hall known as
(a) jama’at khana.
(b) langar.
(c) qalandars.
(d) ziyarat.
► (a) jama’at khana.

5. Baba Guru Nanak was born in
(a) 1459 AD.
(b) 1469 AD.
(c) 1479 AD.
(d) 1489 AD.
► (b) 1469 AD.

6. “Naam Ghar” refers to:
(a) Prayer Hall
(b) Temples
(c) Religious places
(d) All of the above
► (a) Prayer Hall

7. Karaikkal Ammaiyar was a devotee of
(a) Krishna.
(b) Rama.
(c) Shiva.
(d) Brahma.
► (c) Shiva.

8. The ‘Nalayira Divyaprabandham’ of the Alvars was compared with the
(a) Four Vedas.
(b) Manusmiriti.
(c) Mahabharata.
(d) Ramayana.
► (a) Four Vedas.

9. The ninth Guru, whose compositions were compiled in the Guru Granth Sahib was:
(a) Guru Tegh Bahadur
(b) Baba Guru Nanak
(c) Guru Gobind Singh
(d) Guru Arjan
► (a) Guru Tegh Bahadur

10. Alvars were the devotees of:
(a) Vishnu
(b) Shiva
(c) Brahma
(d) Jagannatha
► (a) Vishnu

11. Earliest Bhakti movements were led by _______.
(a) Alvars and Mayunar
(b) Alvars and Puaravar
(c) Alvars and Nayanars
(d) Lingayats and Nayanars
► (c) Alvars and Nayanars

12. The major anthology composed by the Alvars was the ___________.
(a) Nalayira Divyaprabandham
(b) Nalayira Purabandham
(c) Nalayira Alvabandham
(d) None of the above
► (a) Nalayira Divyaprabandham

13. Karaikkal Ammaiyar was the greatest figure of _____ tradition.
(a) Alvars
(b) Mayunar
(c) Nayanars
(d) Puaravar
► (c) Nayanars

14. Which group challenged the idea of caste and the pollution attributed to certain groups by Brahmanas.
(a) Alvars
(b) Lingayats
(c) Nayanars
(d) Puaravar
► (b) Lingayats

15. Lingayats were majorly based in ______.
(a) Maharashtra
(b) Karnataka
(c) Punjab
(d) Uttar Pradesh
► (b) Karnataka

16. ____ means a chain which signifies a continuous link between master and disciple.
(a) Gathjod
(b) Silsila
(c) Saidev
(d) Nirantar
► (b) Silsila

12th Class MCQ Questions Term - I (2021-22)

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MCQ Questions for Chapter 2:- Kings, Farmers and Towns

MCQ Questions for Chapter 3:- Kinship, Caste and Class

MCQ Questions for Chapter 3:- Kinship, Caste and Class

MCQ Questions for Chapter 6:- Bhakti-Sufi Traditions

MCQ Questions for Chapter 7:- An Imperial Capital: Vijayanagara

Pol Science    Contemporary World Politics

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MCQ Questions for Chapter 2:- The End of Bipolarity

MCQ Questions for Chapter 6:- United Nations and its Organizations

  Politics in India since Independence

MCQ Questions for Chapter 1:- Challenges of Nation - Building️

MCQ Questions for Chapter 3:- Planned Development️

MCQ Questions for Chapter 4:- India's Foreign Policy

Geography      Indian People and Economy

MCQ Questions for Chapter 1:- Human Geography : Nature and Subject Area

MCQ Questions for Chapter 2:- World Population : Distribution, Density and Growth

MCQ Questions for Chapter 4:- Human Development

MCQ Questions for Chapter 5:- Primary Activities