12th Class History Ch-3 || Kinship, Caste And Class || MCQ Term-1 || English Medium

Question 1 VS. Who was Sukthankar?

A- Sanskrit scholar 
B- Tamil scholar
C- Kannada scholar
D- none of these

Ans- A

Question 2. How many years did it take to prepare the critical version of Mahabharata?

A- 41 years 
B- 47 years
C- 49 years
D- none of these

Ans- B

Question 3. In Sanskrit texts the word Kul was used for ___?

A- Location 
B- Caste
C- Family 
D- Community 

Ans- C

Question 4. Under which system does the property go from father to son and then to grandson and great-grandson?

A- conservatism
B- matrilineal
C- paternalism
D- none of these

Ans- C

Question 5. The struggle between Pandavas and Kauravas over land and power is depicted in __?

A- Manusmriti
B- Ramayana 
C- Mahabharata 
D- None of these

Ans- C

Question 6 To which dynasty did both the Kauravas and the Pandavas belong?

A- Kuru
B- Vajji
C- Gana
D- None of these

Ans- A

Question 7. What is the practice of marrying outside the gotra called?

A- exogamy
B- endogamy
C- Gandharva marriage 
D- none of these

Ans- A

Question 8. What is the practice of getting married within the gotra called?

A- exogamy
B- endogamy
C- Gandharva marriage 
D- none of these

Ans- B

Question 9. Jai Samhita is the old name of?

A- Manusmriti
B- Ramayana 
C- Mahabharata 
D- None of these

Ans- C

Question 10. How many types of marriages do the Dharmasutras and Dharmashastras allow?

A- 2
B- 4
C- 8
D- None of these

Ans- C

Question 11. According to Dharmasutra and Dharmashastra, how many types of marriages are considered correct?

A- 2
B- 4
C- 8
D- None of these

Ans- B

Question 12. When was the Manusmriti compiled?

A- 200 BC to 200 AD 
B- 300 BC to 300 AD 
C- 400 BC to 400 AD 
D- none of these

Ans- A

Question 13. Each gotra was in the name of a ___?

A- Vedic Rishi
B- Brahmin Community 
C- Religious Guru 
D- All of the above

Ans- A

Question 14. The Satavahana rulers ruled over ___ India?

A- North India 
B- South India
C- South West India
D- None of these

Ans- C

Question 15. Which Upanishad lists the generations of Acharyas and disciples, many of whom are referred to by their mother's name?

A- Maitraniya Upanishad
B- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
C- Shvetasvara Upanishad
D- None of these

Ans- B

Question 16. ____ kings were marked by their mother's name?

A- Kushanas 
B- Shakas 
C- Satavahanas  
D- None of these 

Ans- A

Question 17. The ideal livelihood for the four Varnas is mentioned in ___?

A- Dharmasutra 
B- Theology 
C- Both Dharmasutra and Dharmashastra 
D- None of these 

Ans- C

Question 18. match up? 

A- Brahmin 1] Service of the three varnas  
B- Kshatriya  2] Agriculture, Trade  
C- Vaishya3] Performing Yagya, Teaching of Vedas 
D- Shudra 4] To do justice, to protect people 

Ans- A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1

Question 19 Which Veda is given an example to prove the divine order?

A- Rigveda
B- Yajurveda
C- Samaveda
D- Atharvaveda

Ans- A

Question 20. The list of duties of Chandalas is found in ___?

D-None of these

Ans- B

Question 21.Which statement is not true about Chandalas?

A- Living outside the village 
B- Using thrown utensils 
C- Wearing iron ornaments
D- Participating in Yagya


Question 22. "The untouchable had to inform about his existence while walking on the road" by 
which Chinese monk is this statement

A- Hein Song
B- Fa – Shien
C- Xuen – Tsang
D- None of these

Ans- B

Question 23. Who wrote Ashtadhyayi? 

A- Panini
B- Banabhatta
C- Vishnu Gupta 
D- None of these

Ans- A

Question 24. Sanskrit used in Mahabharata is much more than the Sanskrit of Vedas and women like __?

A- easy 
B- hard 

Ans- A

Question 25. What happens in the narrative?

A- teaching, education
B- social ethics  
C- collection of stories
D- none of these

Ans- C

Question 26. Who was the author of the original story of Mahabharata?

A- Bhat charioteer 
B- Yarn   
C- Vyas G  
D- Both A and B


Question 27. Shri Krishna is described as the form of __?

A- Indra 
B- Brahma    
C- Vishnu 
D- Shiva

Ans- C

Question 28 Who is the author of Mahabharata in the literary tradition?

A- Bhat charioteer 
B- Yarn  
C- Vyas G  
D- Both A and B

Ans- C

Question 29 When was the excavation of a village named Hastinapur in Meerut district done?

A- 1946-47
B- 1948-49 
C- 1951-52
D- None of these

Ans- C

Question 30. Which archaeologist excavated a village named Hastinapur in Meerut district?

A- Alexander Cunningham 
B- S N Rao 
C- B B Lal 
D- None of these 

Ans- C

Question 31 Tripitaka is related to which religion?

A- Jain  
B- Buddhist  
C- Hindu  
D- None of these 

Ans- B

Question 32 What is the description of ___ in Charaka Samhita?

A- Ayurvedic Herbs
B- Sanskrit Grammar   
C- Religion 
D- None of these 

Ans- A

Question 33 The story of Eklavya is related to

A- Mahabharata
B- Ramayana 
C- Manu Smriti 
D- None of these

Ans- A

Question 34 When was the word vanik used?

A- Artisans 
B- Farmers
C- Traders 
D- Officers

Ans- C

Question 35 What was the evidence of population level in Hastinapur by B B Lal?

A- 4
B- 6
C- 5
D- none of these

Ans- 5

Question 36 When did the war of Mahabharata take place in ____?

A- Panipat 
B- Kurukshetra 
C- Hastinapur 
D- None of these

Ans- B

Question-37 How many days did the war of Mahabharata last?

A- 14
B- 16
C- 5
D- 18


Question 38 What aspects do historians pay attention to while analyzing a book?

A- the language of the 
book B- the time of writing the book 
C- the author
D- all of the above


Question 39 In Sanskrit texts the word caste was used for ___?

A- location 
B- kinship 
C- family 
D- community 

Ans- B

Question 40__ was looked upon with suspicion? They were considered uncultured, malech?

A-Eighty cattle owners
-None of these

Ans- A

Question 41. Caste was based on ___? 

A- Birth
B- Karma
C- Ability
D- None of these

Ans- A

Question 42. The biggest epic of the world?

A- Mahabharata
B- Ramayana 
C- Manu Smriti 
D- None of these

Ans- A

Question 43 With the emergence of new cities, social life became _______?

A- simple 
B- complex 
C- no effect 
D- none of these

Ans- B

1. Rulers whose name ended with the term 'Puta' belonged to
(a) Satavahana dynasty.
(b) Shunga dynasty.
(c) Mauryan dynasty.
(d) Kanva dynasty.
► (a) Satavahana dynasty.

2. Mandasor Stone inscription records the history of a guild of
(a) goldsmiths.
(b) rathakaras.
(c) potters.
(d) silk weavers.
► (d) silk weavers.

3. Ekalavya was a
(a) nishada.
(b) suvarnakara.
(c) chandala.
(d) priest.
► (a) nishada.

4. Marriage within a unit, a kin group, caste or a group living in the same locality, is called
(a) endogamy.
(b) exogamy.
(c) polygyny.
(d) polyandry.
► (a) endogamy.

5. The janapada which was inhabited by the cousins Pandavas and Kauravas was that of
(a) Shurasenas.
(b) Mallas.
(c) Sakyas.
(d) Kurus.
► (d) Kurus.

6. The rulers whose names were derived from that of their mothers were
(a) Shakas.
(b) Satvahanas.
(c) Kurus.
(d) Mauryas.
► (b) Satvahanas.
7. According to the Sanskrit text Mahabharata, Duryodhana plotted to kill
(a) Dhritarashtra.
(b) Draupadi.
(c) Kauravas.
(d) Pandavas.
► (d) Pandavas.

8. The classification of people, in the name of gotras in Hindu religion, was practised from c. 1000 BCE onwards, by the
(a) Brahmanas.
(b) Kshatriyas.
(c) Vaishyas.
(d) Shudras.
► (a) Brahmanas.

9. Panini’s ‘Ashtadhyayi’ is a work on
(a) Sanskrit grammar.
(b) Sanskrit history.
(c) Sanskrit mantras.
(d) Sanskrit plays.
► (a) Sanskrit grammar.

10. The number of categories into which the Dharmashastras and Dharmasutras divided the ideal occupations were
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
► (c) Four

11. Families are usually parts of larger networks of people defined as relatives, or to use a more technical term ______.
(a) Kinfolk
(b) Patriliny 
(c) Marriage
(d) Polygamy
► (a) Kinfolk

12. ______means tracing descent from father to son, grandson and so on.
(a) Kinfolk
(b) Patriliny 
(c) Marriage
(d) Polygamy
► (b) Patriliny 

13. The Brahmanas considered some people as being outside the system by classifying certain social
categories as _______.
(a) Kinfolk
(b) Varnas
(c) Untouchable
(d) Nishada
► (c) Untouchable

14. According to the ______, the paternal estate was to be divided equally amongst sons after the death of the parents.
(a) Varnas
(b) Varnas
(c) Manusmriti
(d) Mahabharata
► (c) Manusmriti

15. ________contains vivid descriptions of battles, forests, palaces and settlements.
(a) Manusmriti
(b) Sutta Pitaka
(c) Mahabharata
(d) None of the above
► (c) Mahabharata

12th Class MCQ Questions Term - I (2021-22)

History   Themes in Indian History

MCQ Questions for Chapter 1:- Bricks, Beads and Bones : The Harappan Civilization

MCQ Questions for Chapter 2:- Kings, Farmers and Towns

MCQ Questions for Chapter 3:- Kinship, Caste and Class

MCQ Questions for Chapter 3:- Kinship, Caste and Class

MCQ Questions for Chapter 6:- Bhakti-Sufi Traditions

MCQ Questions for Chapter 7:- An Imperial Capital: Vijayanagara

Pol Science    Contemporary World Politics

MCQ Questions for Chapter 1:- Cold War Era and Non-Aligned Movement

MCQ Questions for Chapter 2:- The End of Bipolarity

MCQ Questions for Chapter 6:- United Nations and its Organizations

  Politics in India since Independence

MCQ Questions for Chapter 1:- Challenges of Nation - Building️

MCQ Questions for Chapter 3:- Planned Development️

MCQ Questions for Chapter 4:- India's Foreign Policy

Geography      Indian People and Economy

MCQ Questions for Chapter 1:- Human Geography : Nature and Subject Area

MCQ Questions for Chapter 2:- World Population : Distribution, Density and Growth

MCQ Questions for Chapter 4:- Human Development

MCQ Questions for Chapter 5:- Primary Activities