12th Class Geography Ch-5 || Primary Activities || MCQ Term-1 || English Medium

1] Which of the following is not a plantation crop?

A- Coffee 
B- Sugarcane 
C- Rubber 
D- Wheat   


2] In which of the following countries, cooperative agriculture was successfully tested?

A- Pakistan 
B- Russia 
C- China 
D- Denmark


3] What is floriculture called?

A- Mixed Agriculture 
B- Dairy Agriculture 
C- Floriculture 
D- Truck Farming 

Ans- C

4] In which of the following regions, extensive commercial grain farming is not done?

A- Amazon basin 
B- European region 
C- Pampas region of Argentina 
D- Prairie region of America and Canada 

Ans- A

5] In which of the following types of agriculture, citrus-juicy fruits are cultivated?

A- Plantation Agriculture 
B- Dairy Agriculture 
C- Extensive Commercial Grain Agriculture 
D- Mediterranean Agriculture  


6] Among the following types of agriculture, which type of shearing is of combustion agriculture?

A- Mixed Agriculture 
B- Dairy Agriculture 
C- Truck Agriculture 
D- Primitive Subsistence Agriculture  


7] Which of the following is not a stand-alone agriculture?

A- Dairy Agriculture 
B- Plantation Agriculture 
C- Commerce Agriculture 
D- Mixed Agriculture  


8] The hunters of ancient times did not use which of the following tools?

A- stone tools 
B- wooden tools 
C- arrows used 
D- guns  


9] Which of the following pastoralists live in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas of India?

A- Gujjar 
B- Bakarwal 
C- Gaddi and Bhutia 
D- All of the above  


10] Which one of the following statements is not correct about rice-based intensive subsistence agriculture? 

A- Rice is the main crop in this 
B- The size of the fields is small due to high population density 
C- The entire family of the farmer is engaged in agricultural work 
D- It is done in the western arid regions of the Indus Gangetic plain of India  


11] Which of the following is not a feature of mixed agriculture?

A- Cultivation of grapes is the specialty of this agriculture
B- Fodder crops are the main component of mixed agriculture
C- In this agriculture the size of the fields is medium 
D- Both crop production and animal husbandry are given equal importance in this

Ans- A

12] Which one of the following factors does not affect the profitability of mining operations?

A- Size of 
mineral deposits B- Grade and state of presence of mineral deposits
C- Demand of mineral, existing technical knowledge and its use      
D- Capital and transport and labor are not required 


13] Grapes are used to make which of the following substances?

A- production of liquor 
B- making of raisins
C-  making raisins 
D- all of the above  


14] Which country sends tulips to the major cities of Europe?

A- Germany 
B- France 
C- Netherlands 
D- England  

Ans- C

15] Which of the following is associated with elementary activities?

A- hunting
B- pastoralism
C- manufacturing
D- only a and b


16- Primary activities are directly dependent on which of the following?

A- Industries
B- Transportation 
C- Workers
D- Environment


17- Primitive society was dependent on which of the following types of animals? 

A- wild
B- domesticated
C- both wild and domesticated 
D- none of these

Ans- A

18- Which of the following is made from the milk of the japota tree?

A- butter
B- quinine
C- chick
D- beverages

Ans- C

19- In which areas of the world is the reindeer found?

A- Africa 
B- India 
C- Tibet
D- Arctic and North Pole 


20- Bhutia people belong to which mountain region?

A- Rocky
B- Andes 
C- Himalaya 
D- None of these

Ans- C

21- Which of the following countries has specialization in flower production?

A- Sri Lanka 
B- Japan 
C- China 
D- Netherlands  


22- In which of the following areas primitive subsistence agriculture is done?

A- tropical zone
B- temperate zone 
C- sub-tropical zone 
D- none of these 

Ans- A

23- In which of the following types of agriculture the vegetation of the areas is burnt?

A- Rice dominated agriculture
B- Mixed agriculture
C- Shifting agriculture
D- None of these

Ans- C

By what name is shifting agriculture known in the North Eastern states of India?

A- Ladang
B-  Jhuming 
C- Commerce Agriculture
D- None of these 

Ans- B

25- By which of the following names shifting agriculture is known in Central America and Mexico?

A- Jhum farming
B- shearing combustion
C- Milpa
D- none of these

Ans- C

26- By what name is shifting agriculture known in Malaysia and Indonesia?

A- Milpa
B-  Jhuming
C- Ladang 
D- None of these 

Ans- C

27- Who among the following started plantation agriculture in many parts of the world?

A- Indians 
B- Britishers 
C- Europeans 
D- Africans 

Ans- C

28- Which of the following type of agriculture is known by the name 'Kolkhoz'?

A- Mixed Agriculture
B- Collective Agriculture
C- Cooperative Agriculture
D- Subsistence Agriculture 

Ans- B

29- The beginning of collective agriculture was started in ____?

A- Pakistan 
B- Japan 
C- Soviet Union 
D- Canada 

Ans- C

30- In which of the following types of agriculture the individual farms remain intact?

A- Collective 
Agriculture B- Subsistence Agriculture
C- Cooperative Agriculture
D- Plantation Agriculture 

Ans-  C

31- In which of the following countries did the cooperative movement run successfully?

A- India
B- Sweden
C- Italy
D- Sweden and Italy


32- The regions in which the farmer grows only vegetables are named as ____?

A- Mixed Agriculture
B- Truck Agriculture
C- Dairy Agriculture
D- Cooperative Agriculture 

Ans- B

33- Which of the following characteristics is true with respect to dairy farming?

A- It is done near industrial towns 
B- It is done in urban areas
C- Pasteurization facility 
D- All of the above


34- Which of the following type of method is also called Kupki Mining?

A- Surface Mining 
B- Underground Mining 
C- Minor Mining 
D- None of these 

Ans- B

35- There are still some coffee plantations in Brazil which are called ____?

A- Phagenda 
B- Agenda 
C- Tea Garden
D- None of these 

Ans- A

12th Class MCQ Questions Term - I (2021-22)

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MCQ Questions for Chapter 2:- Kings, Farmers and Towns

MCQ Questions for Chapter 3:- Kinship, Caste and Class

MCQ Questions for Chapter 3:- Kinship, Caste and Class

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Pol Science    Contemporary World Politics

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MCQ Questions for Chapter 2:- The End of Bipolarity

MCQ Questions for Chapter 6:- United Nations and its Organizations

  Politics in India since Independence

MCQ Questions for Chapter 1:- Challenges of Nation - Building️

MCQ Questions for Chapter 3:- Planned Development️

MCQ Questions for Chapter 4:- India's Foreign Policy

Geography      Indian People and Economy

MCQ Questions for Chapter 1:- Human Geography : Nature and Subject Area

MCQ Questions for Chapter 2:- World Population : Distribution, Density and Growth

MCQ Questions for Chapter 4:- Human Development

MCQ Questions for Chapter 5:- Primary Activities