12th Class Geography Ch-2 || World Population : Distribution, Density and Growth || MCQ Term-1 || English Medium

1] Which of the following continent has the highest population growth? Which of the following continent has the highest population growth?

A- Africa 
B- Asia 
C- North America 
D- none of these  

Ans- A

2] Which one of the following is not a sparsely populated area? 

A- Atacama 
B- Polar region 
C- South-East Asia 
D- None of these  

Ans- C

3] Which of the following is a repulsion factor?

A- Unemployment 
B- Pandemic 
C- War
D- All of the above  

Ans- A

4] Which is the most populated country in the world?

A- India 
B- Pakistan 
C- Russia 
D- China  


5] In which of the following areas do not more than 200 people live per square kilometer?

A- North Eastern part of USA 
B- Northwest part of Europe 
C- South-East and East Asia 
D- Hot and cold desert  


6] Which one of the following is not one of the geographical factors affecting the distribution of population?

A- landform 
B- climate 
C- water availability 
D- fire availability 


7] Which one of the following soils is most cultivated?

A- hilly soil 
B- sandy soil
C- loamy  soil 
D- none of these  

Ans- C

8] Which one of the following is not one of the reasons for high population density?

A- fertile land 
B- flat plain 
C- good climate 
D- desert  


9] Which of the following is a component of population change?

A- Birth 
B- Death 
C- Migration 
D- All of the above  


10] Which of the following is the appropriate definition of birth rate?

A- birth of children per thousand women
B- expressing the crude birth rate in terms of live births per thousand women
C- expressing the  refined birth rate in terms of live births per thousand women 
D- None of these 

Ans- B

11] Which of the following is not a repulsive factor for migration?

A- Unemployment 
B- Disaster 
C- Good living facility 
D- Lack of education facility 

Ans- C

12] Which one of the following is not one of the economic factors affecting population distribution?

A- Urbanization 
B- Industrialization 
C- Mineralization 
D- Ruralization  


13] Which definition is correct with respect to immigrant?

A- when a local resident
leaves for some time B- migrant who moves to a new place 
C- when someone goes abroad 
D- none of these   

Ans- B

14] Which one of the following is an objective of family planning?

A- to have children 
B- to have a child in three years 
C- to prevent and keep a gap in the birth of children
D- to plan   

Ans- C

15] How long did it take for the human population to reach the initial one crore?

 A- over 10 lakh years 
B- 40 lakh years 
C- 43 lakh years 
D- more than 20 lakh years 

Ans- A

16] The meaning of the term population distribution is taken from?

A- what is the function
of the people B- how are the
people distributed on the surface C- what is the proportion of people
D- none of these 

Ans- B

17] "In Asia there are too few people in many places and too many people in fewer places" this statement was said by which scholar?

A- Malthus
B- Ratzel
C- George B. Cressy
D- None of these

Ans- C

18] Which one of the following factors does not affect the population distribution?

A- Availability of Water 
B- Land Form 
C- Climate 
D- Means of Recreation


19] When people move from one place to another, the place from where people leave is called 
A- Immigration 
B- Emigration
C- Place of origin
D- Destination

Ans- C

20] Which of the following is not a component of population change?

A- Birth 
B- Death 
C- Migration 
D- Urbanization


21] Which of the following conditions represents the final stage of the Demographic Transition Theory?

A- high fertility and high mortality 
B- epidemics 
C- uneducated 
population D- urban population and technologically developed


22] Which of the following regions is an example of densely populated areas in the world?

A- Western China 
B- Norway 
C- North Eastern part of USA 
D- North Pole

Ans- C

23] What is the average population density found in areas of medium density of the world?

B- 11 to 50 persons per 
sq.km C- 200 persons per 
sq.km D- none of these

Ans- B

24] Which of the following factors is an economic factor affecting population distribution?

A- Water
B- Climate 
C- Culture 
D- Minerals


25] Which of the following is a social and cultural factor affecting population distribution?

A- Urbanization
B- Minerals 
C- Industrialization 
D- Places of religious importance


26] Which of the following represents the actual growth of population?

A- birth-death
B- birth-death+migration-emigration 
C- birth+death
D- none of these 

Ans- B

27] Population growth rate is expressed as _____?

A- change in population as percentage 
B- economic growth in 
population C- decline in population 
D- none of these

Ans- A

28] The difference of ____ in the natural growth of population increases the population of that area?

A- migration and immigration
B- birth and death 
C- migration only 
D- none of these

Ans- B

29] Which of the following features is associated with the second stage of the Demographic Transition Theory?

A- high fertility / high death 
B- low life expectancy 
C- improved health services 
D- none of these

Ans- C

30] Which of the following continent has the highest population growth?

A- Africa 
B- Asia
C- South America 
D- North America 

Ans- B

31] Thomas Malthus said in his theory ____?

A- food supply will increase
B- number of people will increase compared to
food supply C- there will be no change in food supply
D- none of these 

Ans- B

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