The Industrial Revolution || 11th Class History Ch-9 || Notes In English

The Industrial Revolution

 ❇️ Industrial Revolution :-

🔹 The transformation of industry and economy that took place in Britain between the 1780s and 1850s is called the First Industrial Revolution.

🔹The second industrial revolution came after the 1850s and saw the expansion of new industrial sectors such as chemicals and electricity.

❇️️ Use of the term Industrial Revolution :-

🔹 The term was used by European scholars such as Georgische Michel (France) and Friedrich Engels (Germany). The term was first used in English by the philosopher and economist Arnold Toynbee to describe the changes that took place in Britain's industrial development between 1760 and 1820.

🔹Britain was the first country which experienced the first industrialization. Due to this British political system, law system, monetary system, market system, use of same type of currency.

❇️ Positive Effects of Industrial Revolution :-

🔹 The Industrial Revolution led to the invention of new machines. Due to the use of machines in production, man got rid of heavy work.

🔹The industrial revolution led to new inventions of means of transport and communication. Man has conquered time and distance with the fastest means of transport.

🔹As a result of the Industrial Revolution, the common man started getting the goods of comfort and happiness at affordable prices.

🔹Revolutionary reforms in the agricultural sector due to increased demand for raw materials.

🔹Development of the banking system.

❇️ Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution :-

🔹Arrival of rural people to cities in search of employment.

🔹Problems of health, education, drinking water and housing due to overpopulation in cities.

🔹Effects on health due to exploitation of women and children.

🔹End of domestic and cottage industries.

🔹Society divided into two classes – (1) industrialists (ii) proletariat

❇️️ Agricultural Revolution :-

🔹This revolution was a process by which the big landlords bought small farms near their properties and took possession of the village public land and created large estates, which increased food production.

❇️️ Agriculture – Major causes of revolution :-

🔹Due to the industrial revolution in Britain, there was a flood of new parts, which also benefited the agricultural sector.

🔹People got new options and the market for the sale of goods expanded.

🔹The big landlords bought small farms around their own properties and surrounded the public lands of the village.

🔹Due to the increase in land resources, there was a huge increase in food production.

❇️️ Three parts of Britain and its features :-

🔹England, Wales and Scotland were the three parts of Britain, which was ruled by a single monarchy i.e. Emperor.

❇️️ Features :-

🔹There was only one law and order in the entire state.

🔹There was only one coin i.e. currency system.

🔹There was a market system for these three states, so that the businessmen did not have to pay tax separately for doing business from one state to another.

❇️️ Development of wrought iron :-

🔹Development of wrought iron from cast iron by Second Derby (1711 - 68) Third Derby built the first iron bridge in the world in 1779.

❇️️ Impact of Industrial Revolution on the lives of women and children :-

🔹 The life of upper class women is more convenient and enjoyable, on the contrary, the life of lower class women is full of struggle.

🔹 Reduction in wages of women as compared to men.

🔹 Women had to work in inferior conditions.

🔹 Women had to face many health related problems.

🔹 Women got financial independence – increased self esteem.

🔹 Less agitated about poor working conditions.

🔹 Children's hair used to get stuck in the machines, their hands would get crushed.

🔹 Children used to go to the mouth of death by falling in the machines.

🔹 Due to the narrow road in the coal mines, children were sent, due to which there was a fear of accident.

❇️️ Improvement in the condition of industrial workers through law :-

🔹 In 1819, the government made a law to improve the condition of the workers.

🔹 Prohibition on employing children below the age of nine years in factories.

🔹 The limit for getting children between the ages of nine and sixteen to work was limited to 12 hours.

🔹An Act of 1833 allowed employment of children below the age of nine years only in silk factories.

🔹 Working hours were limited for older children.

🔹 Appointment of factory inspectors.

🔹 The Mines and Coal Act of 1842 prohibited the employment of children and women below the age of 10 years in mines.

🔹 In 1847, this law was made that children and women below the age of 18 years should not be made to work for more than 10 hours.

❇️ The rise of two classes in the society as a result of the Industrial Revolution :-

(i) owner

(ii) Working class.

🔹 Unemployment increased due to the destruction of cottage and small scale industries. Only the capitalist class benefited.

❇️️ Disadvantages of industrialization :-

🔹The disintegration of families, migration of people from villages to cities in search of employment, distortion of the form of cities. What a human and material cost Britain had to pay for industrialization.

🔹The plight of poor laborers especially children, environmental degradation and diseases of cholera and tuberculosis.

❇️️ Socialism :-

🔹A specific principle of production under which the ownership of the means of production is maintained by the whole society.

❇️️ Capitalism :-

🔹 Under this system only the ownership of the means of production remains in the hands of the individual.

❇️️ Invention of Dhaman furnace :-

🔹 In 1709, the first Abraham Derby invented the blast furnace.

❇️️ Benefits of the invention of Dhamnabhatti :-

🔹In this 'coke' was used for the first time. Coke had the power to generate high heat. And this stone was prepared by extracting sulfur and impurities from coal.

🔹The furnaces did not have to depend on charcoal.

🔹More fine and longer casting could be done than before cast iron.

❇️️ Blucher :-

🔹There is a locomotive built in 1814 by a railway engineer George Stephen Son.

❇️️ Use of steam power :-

🔹The widespread use of steam as a new source of power in British industry greatly accelerated the speed of transport by ships and trains. Steam power was first used in the mining industry.

❇️️ Features of Steam Power :-

🔹The power of steam created pressure at high temperatures, which could run many types of machines.

🔹Steam power was the only source of energy that was also reliable and inexpensive to manufacture machinery.

❇️️ Use of steam power :-

🔹 Steam power was first used in the mining industry.

❇️️ Shortcomings of Thomas Savery's Steam Engine :-

🔹 These engines worked slowly in shallow depths, and their evaporator (boiler) exploded when the pressure was high.

❇️ Shortcomings of Thomas Newcomen's Steam Engine :-

🔹 The biggest drawback in this was that due to continuous cooling of the condensing cylinder, its energy used to be dissipated.

❇️️ Features of James Watt's Steam Engine :-

🔹 It acted as a prime mover instead of just a simple pump.

🔹 Due to this, power-driven machines in factories started getting energy.

🔹 It was more powerful than other engines, making it more used.

❇️️ First canal in England by James Bridley :-

🔹 1761 AD. The first canal 'Worsley Canal' was built in England by James Bridley. This canal was used to carry coal from the coal deposits to the city. 1788 - 1796 AD. The period of up to eight years is called 'Nahronmad'. A new project of construction of 46 canals was taken up.

❇️ Revolutionary changes by talented people during these years :-

🔹Sudden increase in wealth, goods, income, services, knowledge and productivity skills.

🔹In 1795 the British Parliament passed the Twin Acts. Support of the Corn Laws (Law of Grain). Consolidation made the laborers unemployed. He took his anger out on the machines. Demolition of machines on a very large scale.

❇️️ Ludism Movement :-

🔹 The Ludism movement was launched under the leadership of General Ned Ludd. They did not believe in the sabotage of machines, but its followers demanded a minimum wage, control over women and child labor, work for the unemployed and the right to legally form trade unions.