Russia || Ch-3 B-1 Pol. Science Class 12th || New Topic || English Medium || NCERT CBSE



  • Russia was the largest part of the Soviet Union before its dissolution. 
  • After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Russia emerged as the most powerful successor to the 'Republic of the Soviet Socialist Union' (USSR). 
  • Russia has immense reserves of minerals, natural resources and gases which make it a powerful state on the global stage. 
  • In addition, Russia is a nuclear-powered state with a huge stockpile of sophisticated weapons. 

  • Russia is also a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, also known as the P-5 . 

Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union (25 December 1991):-

  • In December 1991, the former Soviet Union disintegrated and 15 new nations emerged. 
  • Barring the three Baltic states—Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania—the remaining 12 states form a Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), headquartered in the capital of Belarus, Misk. 
  • These countries include Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldovia, Yuken, Belarus. 
  • Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan are jointly called the 'Caucasus States' . 
  • Russia still includes 76% of the territory of the former Soviet Union . 
  • It is the largest country in the world spread over two continents. 
  • Its spread from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east is 9,000 km. is in the area.
  • 4,500 km from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Carcass mountain range in the south. Its extension is in the distance. 
  • The Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Inspian Sea divide this country into European and Asian parts. 
  • The Caucasus Mountains are spread between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea in the south-western part of Russia. 
  • Elbrus is the highest mountain peak in Russia. It is in the Caucasus Mountains. 

Importance of Russian cooperation for India:-

  • Russia has been instrumental in enhancing the power and technical capability of the Indian Navy. 
  • Presently India   has been provided with nuclear submarine INS Chakra (SSN) by Russia Also, Russia is likely to deliver another nuclear submarine to India in the near future. 
  • In the development of the country's space program, India has been getting the support of Russia since its inception and even today Indian astronauts are trained in Russia.
  • Russia has also contributed significantly in the establishment of nuclear power plants in India.
  • Russia's capability and experience in important and strategic areas like Defence, energy, space etc. has been very helpful to India. 
  • The Brahmos missile, the upgrade of the M-46 gun , etc. are the prime examples of strong Indo-Russian relations in the defense sector. 

India - Russia Defence, Nuclear, Energy Relations:-

  • Since the end of the Cold War, India has sought to establish a strong long-term energy partnership with Russia. 
  • India and Russia should focus on enhancing cooperation in the already ongoing defense hardware and nuclear energy sector. And if there is a loss in the Indian market in both these areas, then it can give a big blow to Russia and India may have to be deprived of advanced technology. 
  • For all these reasons, in the meeting held in St. Petersburg, India and Russia agreed to establish an "energy corridor" and emphasized the use of natural gas as a relatively clean and climate friendly fuel. 
  • But during the recent visit there was no discussion about the cooperation of the fifth generation fighter aircraft, co-production and development of which was agreed between the two countries for almost a decade ago.


  • We can say that since India's independence , Russia has been instrumental in the development of the country's local capacity in defense, space, nuclear energy, industrial technology and many other important areas. 
  • The relations between India and Russia have been very strong since the beginning, but like any other partnership, it has felt the need for some improvements over time. 
  • In view of the present shared interests of India and Russia, bilateral relations can be given new energy by linking India-Russia cooperation in the defense sector with the ' Make in India' initiative.