The Central Islamic Lands || 11th Class History Ch-4 || Notes In English


The Central Islamic Lands

❇️ Sources of Islamic History Information:-

🔹 Chronicle or Twarikh 

🔹 Life  Charitable 

🔹 Records of Prophet's statements and actions  

🔹 Commentaries about the Quran  

🔹 Eyewitness accounts (eg newspapers)  

🔹 Historical 

🔹 Quasi-historical works  

🔹 Documentary evidence  

🔹 Ancient buildings inscriptions, currencies 

❇️ Beginning of Muslim Society :-

🔹 Happened 1400 years ago from today. Their native area is a vast area from Egypt to Afghanistan. "Islam" is used for the society and culture of this area. 

❇️️ Arabic society and their lifestyle :-

🔹 The people of Arabia were divided into tribes. He lived a nomadic life. 

🔹Before the rise of Islam, Arabia was socially, politically, economically and religiously backward in the 7th century. 

🔹 Before the rise of Islam, the Bedouins, a nomadic tribe, were dominated by Arabs.

🔹 Each clan had its own deities. The Kaaba, located in Mecca, was the main religious place there, which all Muslims considered it sacred.

🔹 Each clan was headed by a sheikh, who was chosen partly on the basis of family ties, but mostly on the basis of personal courage, intelligence and generosity. 

🔹 His food was mainly dates. 

🔹 Some of the people there had settled in the cities and used to do business and farming.

❇️️ Prophet Hazrat Muhammad and Islam :-

🔹 612 AD. In AD Prophet Muhammad declared himself a messenger of God. 622 AD The Prophet Muhammad and his followers had to leave Mecca and go to Medina due to the opposition of the rich people of Mecca. This journey was called Hijra and it was in 622 AD. The year marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar ie Hijri Sun.

🔹 Prophet Muhammad is considered one of the greatest personalities in world history. He was born in Mecca in 570. 

🔹 The clan of Prophet Muhammad was the Quraysh, who lived in Mecca and had control over the Kaaba, the main shrine there. 

🔹 Prophet Muhammad made a political system in Medina. Now Medina became the administrative capital of the Islamic State and Mecca became the religious center. In a short time, a large part of the Arab region came under his control. 

❇️ Simple methods of worship of Allah in Islam :-

🔹 Salat (daily prayer – 5 times prayer) and moral principles – such as distributing charity and not stealing.

❇️ Five Pillars of Islam :-

🔹 Raima   

🔹 Prayers  

🔹 Ruja  

🔹 Zakat  

🔹 Remembering Hajj are the five pillars of Islam.  

❇️ Death of Prophet Muhammad :-

🔹 632 AD. Prophet Muhammad died in

❇️️ Kaaba :-

🔹 The Kaaba was a religious place of Arabic society with a cubical structure. It was called the Kaaba which was located in Mecca. 

🔹 In which idols were kept and every year the people there used to perform religious pilgrimage (Hajj) in this place of worship. Mecca was located at a crossroads of merchant routes between Yemen and Syria. 

🔹The Kaaba was considered a sacred place (Haram) where violence was forbidden and protection was provided to all visitors. 

❇️ Hijra :-

🔹 In the early days of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad was in possession of Mecca and its worship. The rich people of Mecca, who felt bad for the rejection of gods and goddesses, and who saw a new religion like Islam as a threat to Mecca's prestige and prosperity, fiercely opposed the Prophet Muhammad, forcing him and his followers to leave Mecca and Medina. have to go . His journey is called Hijra. From this day the Hijri calendar of Muslims started. 

❇️️ Protection of Islam by Prophet Muhammad :-

🔶 The survival of  a religion depends on the survival of the people who believe in it. Therefore Prophet Muhammad protected Islam and Muslims in the following three ways:-

🔹 Strengthened the people of this community internally and protected them from external threats.  

🔹 He created a political system in Medina for the strengthening and protection.  

🔹 He resolved the strife in the city and the Ummah was transformed into a larger community. 

❇️ Major Teachings of Hazrat Muhammad :-

🔹 Every Muslim should believe in the fact that Allah is the only worshiper and Prophet Muhammad is his prophet.

🔹 It is mandatory for every Muslim to offer Namaz five times a day.

🔹 Zakat (a kind of charity) should be given to the poor.

🔹 The believer of Islam should fast in the month of Ramadan.

🔹 Every Muslim must perform Hajj to the Kaaba once in his lifetime.

❇️ Beginning of Khilafat :-

🔹 632 AD. The Prophet Muhammad died in AD and in the absence of the legitimacy of the next prophet, political power was transferred to the Ummah. Thus began the Khilafat institution. The leader of the community became the representative of the Prophet, that is, the Khalifa.

❇️ The two main objectives of the Khilafat :-

🔹 To establish control over the tribes that formed the Ummah.  

🔹 Raising resources for the state. 

❇️ First four caliphs :-

🔹 Hazrat Abubaker  

🔹 Umar  

🔹 Hazrat Usman  

🔹 Hazrat Ali  

❇️ End of Khilafat :-

🔹 After the death of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad in 632 AD, the throne of the caliphate was furnished by four caliphs. The caliphate was abolished after the assassination of the last and fourth caliph, Hazrat Ali.

❇️ Establishment of Umayyad dynasty :-

🔹 The Umayyad dynasty was founded by Muawiya in 661. The rule of this dynasty continued till 750. Abbasidus came to power in 1950.

🔹 Muawiyah started the tradition of hereditary succession and declared Arabic as the language of administration. Damascus was made the capital and Islamic coins were issued. These were written in Arabic language. 

❇️️ Rule of Umayyads :-

🔹 The Umayyads made Damascus their capital and ruled for 90 years. The Umayyad kingdom emerged as an imperial power in Arabia. It was not directly based on Islam. Rather, this regime was running on the strength of state-art and the loyalty of the Syrian soldiers. Yet Islam was recognizing the Umayyad rule.

❇️ Features of the Umayyad system of governance :-

🔹 The soldiers were loyal.  

🔹 The administration included Christian advisors as well as Zaratusht clerks and officials  

🔹 He retained his Arabic social identity.  

🔹 It did not rule based on the counter, but it was based on the monarchy.  

🔹 He introduced hereditary succession tradition. 

❇️The end of the Umayyad dynasty :-

🔹 A well-planned movement called Dawa led the Umayyad dynasty to 750 AD. Uprooted in

❇️The beginning of the Abbasi dynasty :-

🔹 750 AD. After the end of the Umayyad dynasty, the foundation of the Abbasi dynasty was laid. He made Baghdad the capital, reorganized the army and bureaucracy, patronized Islamic institutions and scholars. The influence of the Arabs declined under the Abbasids, while the importance of Iranian culture increased. 

❇️️ Abbasi Revolution :-

🔹 Called the rule of the Umayyads the rule of the wicked among the Abbasids and claimed that they would restore the original Islam of the Prophet Muhammad. The Abbasids overthrew this rule of the Umayyad dynasty by running a movement called 'Dawa'. At the same time, this revolution not only brought about a change of dynasty, but also changed the political structure of Islam and its culture. This is known as the Abbasi Revolution. 

❇️ Reasons of Abbasi Revolution :-

🔹 Arab soldiers mostly who came from Iran and were angry with the domination of the Syrian people.

🔹 The Umayyads did not fulfill their promises of tax concessions and privileges to Arab citizens. 

🔹 The Iranian Muslims had to face the reproach of the Arabs who were obsessed with their ethnic consciousness, so that they were willing to join any campaign. 

🔹 The Umayyad rule was based on monarchy.

❇️️ Characteristics of Abbasids :-

🔹 The influence of the Arabs declined under the Abbasi rule. On the contrary, the importance of Iranian culture increased. 

🔹 The Abbasids established their capital at Baghdad.

🔹 The army and bureaucracy were reorganized on a non-tribal basis to ensure greater participation of Iraq and Khorasan in administration. 

🔹 The Abbasi rulers further strengthened the religious position and functions of the caliphate and provided protection to Islamic institutions and scholars.

🔹 The Abbasids also continued the same monarchy as the Umayyads.

❇️ The end of the Abbasi kingdom :-

🔹 The 9th century saw the decline of the Abbasid Empire. Taking advantage of this, many sultans emerged. The economic condition of the Islamic world was very prosperous during the medieval period. 

️ ❇️ Crusade :-

🔹The enmity between the Christian world and the Islamic world began to increase. The reason for this was the change in economic organisations. 1095 AD The wars fought in the name of God to liberate the holy land were called Dharma Yuddha. This war took place in 1095 AD. to 1291 AD. fought between

❇️ Three Crusades - To liberate in the Holy Land :-

🔶  Christianity and Islam (Jerusalem)

🔹  First Crusade 1098-1099

🔹  Second Crusade 1145-1149

🔹  Third Crusade of 1189

❇️️ Effects of War :-

🔹 The  harsh attitude of Muslim states towards Christian subjects.

🔹 Greater  influence of Italy in trade despite the restoration of Muslim power.

🔹  Rise of Sufis. 

🔹 Increased  interest in philosophy and science. 

🔹  Was re-invented in Arabic poetry. 

🔹  The development of Persian language. 

🔹  Been Ghazni became the center of Persian literature. 

🔹  Written Shahnameh treatise by Shahnameh. 

🔹  Female Sufi saint Rabia. 

🔹  Door of Sufism was open to all.

🔹  Religious buildings became hallmarks of the Islamic world. 

🔹 These buildings included mosques, shrines  and tombs. 

🔹 An architectural form of mosques - domes, towers, open courtyards and roof support pillars, arches, Mimber.

❇️️ Invention of paper :-

🔹 The paper came from China. After the invention of paper, written writings began to be widely used in the Islamic world. Two major texts related to the entire human history - Ansab al-Ashraf (Genealogy of feudal lords) by Baladhuri and Tithi al-Rasul wal Mulk (History of Prophets and Kings) by Tabari.

❇️ Two forms of art from the prohibition of depiction of creatures in Islam :-

🔹 Khushnavisi (the art of writing khattati or beautiful)

🔹Arabesque (geometric and botanical design) encouraged. They were also used to decorate buildings.

❇️ Main features of urbanization in medieval Islamic world :-

🔹 Rapid increase in the number of cities. 

🔹 The flourishing of Islamic civilization. 

🔹 Main purpose – Settlement of Arab soldiers (Jud), military cities like Kufa, Basra, Fustat Cairo, Baghdad and Samarkand. 

🔹Promotion of food production and industries for the development and expansion of cities. There are two types of building clusters – one mosque (Masjid al-Jami) and the other central market (Suk). 

🔹Rows of shops in the central market, residence of traders (panduk), office of sarraf, administrators and houses of scholars and traders. 

🔹 Each unit of the market has its own mosque, church or synagogue (Jewish prayer hall). 

🔹 In the outskirts of the city, houses of the poor, markets for vegetables, fruits, hideouts of convoys, shops etc.

🔹 Cemeteries and inns outside the four walls of the city. Lack of uniformity in city maps.