Paths to Modernization || 11th Class History Ch-11 || Notes In English

Paths to Modernization

❇️ China :-

🔹 China is a huge island, which includes regions with many types of climate.

🔹The most prominent ethnic group in China is 'Han' and the predominant language is Chinese. 

❇️ Establishment of Communist Government in China :-

🔹 The Communist government in China was established in 1949.

❇️️ Japan :-

🔹Unlike China, Japan is an island chain consisting of four major islands namely Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Hokkaido.

🔹At the beginning of the 12th century, Japan was ruled by shoguns who were the kings in principle.

🔹 From 1603 to the middle of 1867, the people of the Tokugavan dynasty held the position of shogun.

❇️️ Diet :-

🔹 'Diet' is the name of the Japanese parliament and was based on German ideology.

❇️ Fukuzawa Yukichi :-

🔹'Fukuzawa Yukichi' was one of the leading intellectuals of the Meiji period. He said that Japan should throw Asia out of itself.

❇️ The end of the Qing dynasty in China :-

🔹The Qing dynasty ruled China from 1644 to 1911. In the early 19th century, China dominated East Asia. The Qing dynasty ruled here. Within a few decades, China was in the grip of unrest and could not face the colonial challenge. The Qing dynasty failed to make effective reforms and the country erupted in civil war, and political control passed from the hands of the Qing dynasty.

❇️️ Construction of industrial economy in Japan in 19th century :-

🔹 In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Japan made much more progress than other Asian countries.

🔹 Japan left China far behind in the creation of an industrial economy, in the creation of a modern nation-state. 

🔹 Succeeded in establishing a colonial empire by annexing Taiwan (1895) and Korea (1910). 

🔹 He defeated China, the source of his culture and his ideals, in 1894 and was able to defeat a European power like Russia in 1905. 

❇️️ Difference in geographical location of China and Japan :-

🔸 China :-

🔹 China is a huge continent country.

🔹Variety is found in the climate here. 

🔹There are many national languages ​​here. 

🔹 Regional diversity is found in the mines. 

🔸 Japan :- 

🔹 Japan is an island chain country. 

🔹 It consists of four main islands, more than 50 percent of the land of the main islands is mountainous. 

🔹 The main language here is Japanese. 

🔹 Japan is in a very active earthquake zone. 

❇️️ Slow Chinese reaction in the modern world :-

🔹 If seen in front of Japan or compared with other European countries, the Chinese response was slow and they faced many difficulties. 

🔹 He tried to redefine his traditions to face the modern world.

🔹 Tried to rebuild his nation-power and get rid of western and Japanese control. 

🔹 He found that he could achieve the twin objective of removing inequalities and rebuilding his country only through revolution.

❇️️ Meiji Restore :-

🔹Meiji Restoration means formation of enlightened government. The Meiji dynasty emerged during 1867-68 and the various types of discontent prevailing in the country led to the restoration of the Meiji.

❇️️ Reasons behind the restoration of Mejis :- 

🔹 There was all kinds of discontent in the country.

🔹 International trade and diplomatic relations were also being sought.

❇️️ Modernization of economy in Japan under Meiji rule :-

🔹 Taxes on agriculture.

🔹 Laying of railway line in Japan.

🔹 Import of machines for textile industries.

🔹 Training of laborers by foreign artisans.

🔹 Sending students abroad to study.

🔹 Beginning of modern banking system.

🔹 Giving tax exemptions and subsidies to companies.

❇️️ Fukoku - Kyohe :-

🔹 which means prosperous country and strong army.

❇️️ Changes in education and school system by Meiji in Japan :-

🔹 It is compulsory for boys and girls to go to school.

🔹 Reducing the fees of studies very much.

🔹 Emphasis on modern ideas.

🔹 Emphasis was placed on allegiance to the state and the study of Japanese history.

🔹 Control over the selection of books and training of teachers.

🔹Respect towards parents, loyalty to the nation and inspiration to be good citizens was given.

❇️ The impact of the development of industries on the environment by the Meijis in Japan :-

🔹 Destructive impact on the environment by the demand for natural resources like wood.

🔹 Increase in air pollution, water pollution due to industrialization.

🔹 The main reason for the decrease in agricultural products is the migration of people to the cities.

❇️ Works of Chiang Kaishek :-

🔹 Controlling the Warlords.

🔹 The end of communism lamps.

🔹 Advocating secular and 'supernatural' Confucianism. Attempt to militarize the nation.

🔹 Encouraged to inculcate the four virtues of women. Purity, appearance, colour, speech and action.

❇️ Reasons for failure to integrate the country :-

🔹 Narrow social base.

🔹 Limited political vision.

🔹 Inability to bring equity in capital regulation and land rights.

🔹 By not paying attention to the problems of the people, he tried to impose military system.

❇️️ Views of three groups in Chinese debates :-

🔹 Kang Yowel (1858 – 1927) or Liang Qichou (1873 – 1929).

🔹 Second President of the Republic Sun Yan-sen.

🔹 Communist Party of China.

❇️️ Beginning of modern China :-

🔹 The beginning of modern China is considered to be from the time of its first encounter with the West in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

❇️️ Jesuit Missionaries :-

🔹The Jesuit missionaries brought Western sciences like astronomy and mathematics to China.

❇️️ First Opium War :-

🔹The first Opium War took place between Britain and China (1839–1942). In this war, Britain used military forces to increase the profitable trade of opium.

❇️ Result of the First Opium War :-

🔹 This war weakened the ruling Qing dynasty.

🔹 Strengthened the demands for reform and change.

❇️ Sun Yat-Sen :-

🔹The Manchu Empire was abolished in 1911 under the leadership of Sun Yat-sen and the Republic of China was established. He is considered the founder of modern China. He came from a poor family and was educated in mission schools where he was introduced to democracy and Christianity. He studied medicine, but he was worried about the future of China. His program is popularly known as the Three Principles (Sun Min Chui).

❇️️ Three principles of Sun Yat-Sen :-

🔸 These three principles are :-

🔹 Nationalism:- This meant the removal of the Manchu dynasty – which was regarded as a foreign dynasty – from power, along with the removal of other imperialists.

🔹Establishment of republican government :- Removal of other imperialists and establishment of republic.

🔹 Socialism: – Which regulates capital and brings equality in land ownership The ideas of Sun Yat-sen formed the basis of the Kuomintang's political philosophy. He outlined the four major needs of clothing, food, home and transport.

❇️️ Establishment of democracy in Taiwan :-

🔹 Started gradually after the death of Chiang Kaishek in 1975 and gained momentum in 1887 when the military law was lifted and the opposition parties got legal permission. The first free voting began the process of bringing local Taiwanese to power.

❇️️ Methods of Modernization adopted by China :-

🔹 Tight control of communist party.

🔹 A policy of economic openness and linkage to the world market.

🔹 The end of feudalism.

🔹 Education expanded.

🔹 Program to fight foreign imperialism.

🔹 End of private factories and land ownership.

🔹 Government control over the economy.

🔹 Rapid industrialization.

🔹 Market reforms were carried out.

🔹 One party government.

🔹 The credit for modernization was given to the Communist Party.

🔹 The end of old inequalities.

🔹 Establishment of centralized government.

❇️️ Paths of Modernity adopted by Japan :-

🔹 Use of traditional skills and practices.

🔹 Imitation of the West.

🔹 Japanese Nationalism.

🔹 To be a loyal citizen.

🔹 The teaching of being loyal to the emperor.