National Development Council (NDC) || Ch-2 B-2 Pol. Science Class 12th || New Topic || English Medium || NCERT CBSE

National Development Council (NDC)


  • States should participate in the formulation of the plan. Accepting this idea, a resolution was formed by the government on 6 August 1952 AD, the formation of the National Development Council. 
  • The National Development Council (NDC) is an executive body. It is neither constitutional nor a constitutional body. 
  • It approves the five year plans of the country. The prime minister is the chairman of the council. 
  • The Chief Ministers of all the states of the Indian Union and all the members of the Planning Commission are its ex-officio members.


The members who join the National Development Council are being described below:

  • Prime Minister of India (Chairman of the NDC)
  • Chief Ministers of all the states
  • Administrators of all Union Territories


The NDC is an advisory body to the Planning Commission (now NITI Aayog). The main objectives of the NDC are described as follows:

  • To strengthen and mobilize the country's efforts and resources in favor of the plan.
  • Promoting common economic policies in all important areas.
  • To ensure balanced and rapid development of all parts of the country.

  • In addition, the  NDC provides a platform for all the states to discuss their problems and development related issues. Thus  it secures the cooperation of the states in the implementation of development plans.


In order to fulfill its objectives  the functions of the NDC are being described as under:

  • To lay down guidelines for preparation of National Plan including assessment of plan resources.
  • To  consider the National Plan prepared by the Planning Commission.
  • To  plan and evaluate ways to increase resources and the resources needed to implement the plan.
  • To deliberate on important questions of social and economic policies affecting national development.
  • To  review the working of the Five Year Plan from time to time.
  • To  recommend such measures as are necessary to achieve the goals and objectives set out in the National Plan.