From the Beginning of Time || 11th Class History Ch-1 || Notes In English


From the Beginning of Time

❇️ Human :-

🔹 56 lakh years ago such creatures appeared on the earth which we can call humans. Modern humans arose 160,000 years ago.

❇️ Two theories of the emergence of modern man :-

🔹Regional Continuity Model Theory: - Humans originated at different places in many regions.

🔹 Theory of Substitution :- Humans originated in Africa and spread from there to different areas.

❇️ Archaeologist :-

🔹It is the scientist who studies human history through the study of excavated remains.

❇️ The main sources of information about the history of primitive man :-

🔹 Fossils.

🔹 Stone tools.

🔹 There are paintings done by humans in caves.

❇️ Genus :-

🔹 For this the word 'Vansh' is used in Hindi.

❇️ Fossils :-

🔹 'Fossil' is used to refer to the remains or impressions of an old plant, animal or human that have been transformed into a stone, often embedded in a rock and then lying in that form for millions of years.

❇️ Species :-

🔹 Species is a group of organisms whose male and female can produce children together and their children are also capable of further reproduction i.e. to produce offspring.

❇️ On the Origin of Species :-

🔹The book On the Origin of Species, written by Charles Darwin, was published on 24 November 1859, in which it was argued that humans evolved from animals. It has evolved gradually from animals and has come to its present form.

❇️ Primate :-

🔹 Mammals are a much larger group of animals. This includes apes, langurs and humans.

❇️ Homo :-

🔹 Is a Latin word which means "man". It includes both men and women.

️ ❇️ Types of Homo :-

🔸Homo - Scientists have divided it into many species. 

🔹 Homo Hawillis: - equipment manufacturer.

🔹 Homo erectus - directly stand to walk on his feet.

🔹 Homo sapiens - Citnshil man.

❇️ Australopithecus :-

🔹 It is derived from the Latin word 'Austral' meaning southern and Greek 'Pithikus' meaning 'monkey'. This name was given because in the middle form of man, many features of his ape state remained intact.

❇️ Features of Australopithecus :-

🔹 The brain of Australopithecus was larger than that of Homo.

🔹 Their jaws were heavy.

🔹 Their teeth were also big.

🔹 The efficiency of the hands was limited.

🔹 The ability to walk standing upright was not high.

🔹 He used to spend most of his time on the trees.

❇️ Difference between Australopithecus and Homo :-

🔸Australopithecus :-

🔹 The brain of Australopithecus was larger than that of Homo.

🔹 Their jaws were heavy.

🔹 Their teeth were also big.

🔹 The efficiency of the hands was limited.

🔹 The ability to walk standing upright was not high.

🔹 He used to spend most of his time on the trees.

🔸Homo :-

🔹 Their brain was smaller than that of Australopithecus.

🔹 His jaws were light.

🔹 Their teeth were of small size.

🔹 They used to make good use of hands.

🔹 They had more ability to walk standing upright.

❇️ Hominoid :-

🔹 They are different from monkeys in many ways, their body is bigger than monkeys and they do not have tail.

❇️ Features of Hominoid :-

🔹 Hominoids differ from monkeys in many ways.

🔹 Their body is bigger than that of monkeys and they do not have a tail.

🔹 The period of evolution and dependence of hominids would have been much longer.

❇️ Hominid :-

🔹'Hominid' are members of the family called Hominidae, this family includes all forms of human beings. 

❇️ Characteristics of Hominid :-

🔹 The size of his brain was big.

🔹 They had the ability to stand straight on their feet.

🔹 He used to walk on two legs.

🔹 Special ability in his hands by which he could make tools and use them.

❇️ Evidence of the emergence of hominids in Africa :-

🔸There are two proofs for this:

🔹 The group of African apes (apes) is closely related to hominids.

🔹The oldest hominid fossils, from the genus Australopithecus, have been found in East Africa. And the fossils found outside Africa are not that old.

❇️ Difference between Hominid and Homo Nide :-

🔸Hominid :-

🔹 Their brain was smaller than that of Homonido.

🔹 He used to stand straight and walk on the last two legs. 

🔹 Their hands were of a special kind, with the help of which they could make weapons and use them.

🔹 Their origin is believed to be about 56 lakh years ago.

🔸Hominidae :-

🔹 Their brain is larger than that of hominids.

🔹 They were quadrupeds, that is, they walked on all four legs, but the front part of their body and both the front legs were flexible.

🔹 They had a different hand build and they did not learn to use tools.

🔹 Their origin is believed to be before the origin of hominids.

❇️ How did the primitive man take food?

🔹 Primitive humans used to consume food in different ways. 

🔹 Storage    

🔹 Hunting      

🔹 Fishing      

🔹 Erasure

❇️ Eradication :-

🔹 It means cleaning or eating discarded things.

❇️ Communication, Language and Art :-

🔹 There are many types of views on the development of language such as :-

🔹 Hominid language included gestures (gestures) or hand movements (shakes).

🔹 Before spoken language, oral or (a)-verbal communication such as singing or humming was used.

🔹 Man's speech probably started with the action of invocations or calls, as is seen in male and apes. In the early stages, humans would use very few sounds in speaking. Gradually these sounds developed into language later on.

❇️ Origin of spoken language :-

🔹 It is believed that Homo habilis had some characteristics in the brain that would have made it possible for him to speak. Language first evolved 20 million years ago. The development of vocal system took place about two lakh years ago. It is especially related to modern man.

❇️ Hunter Collectors Society :-

🔹 These societies were engaged in hunting as well as economic activities, such as exchanging and trading small things found in the forests.

❇️ Hadza crowd :-

🔹 It is a small group of hunters and gatherers, who live around the lake formed in the rift valley of "Lake Iasi" salt water. These people hunt all kinds of animals except elephants and eat their meat.

🔹 The Hadza people do not assert their rights over the land and its resources. Despite having unlimited amount of animals available for hunting, these people mainly depend on wild greens and vegetables for their food. Probably 80% of their food is vegetable.

❇️ Features of Altamira Cave :-

🔹 Altamira is a cave-site located in Spain. This cave is famous for its ceiling paintings. Some kind of paste has been used instead of color in its paintings. These paintings are very old, but they look modern in appearance, which even archaeologists are unable to believe.

❇️ Beginning of Ice Age :-

🔹 The ice age started about 2.5 million years ago, with the polar glaciation. In this, large parts of the earth were covered with ice, due to which there were big changes in the condition of climate and vegetation. Due to the decrease in temperature and rainfall, forests were reduced and the area of ​​grasslands increased.

❇️ End of Ice Age :-

🔹 The last ice age ended about thirteen thousand years ago. Due to which many changes came in humans.

🔹 For example, farming, animal husbandry etc.