Displacing Indigenous Peoples || 11th Class History Ch-10 || Notes in English

Displacing Indigenous Peoples

❇️ Colonial Expansion :-

🔹The American empire of Spain and Portugal did not expand after the seventeenth century. Other countries like France, Holland and England started expanding their trading activities and establishing their colonies in America, Africa and Asia.

❇️️ Migration of Spanish and Portuguese :-

🔹 Spaniards and Portuguese began to settle in other parts of the Americas in the 18th century, and in areas of Central, North America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand by European immigrants. This process forced many of the natives to move to other areas.

❇️️ Colony :-

🔹In the 17th century, Europeans established their migration to other continents. Such settlements of Europeans were called 'colonies' (colonies).

❇️Country status to the colonies :-

🔹When the inhabitants of these colonies from Europe became independent from the European 'motherland', they acquired the status of a state or country.

❇️️ Settler (settler) :-

🔹Is used for Dutch in South Africa, British in Ireland, New Zealand and Australia, and Europeans in America.

❇️️ Native :-

🔹 A person who was born in his/her current place of residence. Until the early years of the twentieth century, the term was used by Europeans for residents of their colonies.

❇️️ Vempum Belt :-

🔹 There is a belt made by stitching colored shells together. It is exchanged among the local tribes after an agreement.

❇️ In the eighteenth century, the people of Western Europe identified the civilized man :-

🔹On the basis of literacy, organized religion and urbanism. Languages ​​- Many languages ​​were spoken in North America but they were not written.

❇️ Gold Rush and Growth of Industries :-

🔹Signs of gold were found in California in 1840 and the start of the Gold Rush, the construction of railway lines, the development of industrial cities, the number of factories increased.

❇️️ Aborigines :-

🔹 The early humans or primitive humans of the continent of Australia were called Aborigines.

❇️️ Colonial :-

🔹 Relating to a country that controls another country.

❇️️ Oral History :-

🔹 To write history or to instruct others so that it can be recorded.

❇️️ Subsidy Economy :-

🔹 It means to produce as much as is necessary to meet their basic needs.

❇️ Multiculturalism :-

🔹 A policy that implies the treatment of equality for the cultures of native European and Asian migrants.

❇️️ Terra Nullius :-

🔹 A policy meant to recognize one's right over a given land.

❇️️ Canberra :-

In 1911, it was suggested to make the capital of Australia 'Woolwheat gold'. It was eventually named 'Canberra' which is derived from a local word 'kamberra' which means 'meeting place'.

❇️️ Gold Rush :-

🔹In 1840, some signs of gold were found in California, USA. This gave birth to the 'Gold Rush'. This is the name of the hustle and bustle in which thousands of eager Europeans arrived in America in the hope of making a fortune in a jiffy.

❇️️ Industrial growth in America due to gold rush :-

🔹The Gold Rush led to the construction of railway lines across the continent of America. Thousands of Chinese workers were employed.

🔹Industries for making railway equipment developed. The production of agricultural implements started on a large scale.

🔹 Industrial cities developed in the United States of America and Canada.

❇️️ Evicting the original inhabitants of the United States of America from their land :-

🔹 There were some migrants from Britain and France who, being younger sons, could not inherit the property of the father, they wanted to become owners in America.

🔹 Protestants living in the countries of Catholic dominance and Catholic followers of pro-Protestantism countries left Europe and settled in America to start a new life.

🔹 Wanted to make profit by growing crops which were not grown in Europe.

🔹 It was not considered wrong to evict the original residents, because according to them, the original residents did not know how to use the land.

❇️️ Eviction Methods :-

🔹 Took more land than fraud.

🔹 Contradicted the promise in giving money.

🔹 After signing the land sale agreement, the original inhabitants were forced to move.

🔹 American forces were used to drive out the Cherokee tribes.

🔹 The original inhabitants were also pushed from their permanent land when lead, gold or minerals were detected in the ground.

❇️️ Impact on the lives of the natives of Australia due to the waves of change in the 1970s :-

🔹 There was a desire to understand the original inhabitants of Australia in a new way.

🔹 The natives were seen as a community with distinct cultures.

🔹 His distinctive methods of understanding nature and climate were recognized.

🔹 The heritage of the original inhabitants such as stories, textiles, paintings and handicrafts were appreciated.

🔹 University departments were opened to study their culture, their artifacts were given place in the museum.

🔹 The natives started writing their history. The culture of the natives was respected.

🔹 The relationship of the natives with their land was seen with respect.