Confrontation of Cultures || 11th Class History Ch-8 || Notes In Hindi

Confrontation of Cultures

❇️ Industrial Revolution:-

🔹 In Britain, the transformation of industry and the economy between the 1780s and 1850s is known as the First Industrial Revolution.

❇️️ Use of the term Industrial Revolution :-

🔹 The term industrial revolution was used by European scholars such as Georges Michelet in France and Friedrich Engels in Germany. 

❇️️ Consequences of Industrial Revolution :-

🔹 New machines and techniques developed.

🔹Made possible the production of goods on a larger scale than the handicrafts and handloom industries.

🔹The invention of the steam engine brought a new revolution in British industry and the speed of transport by ships and trains became more rapid.

🔹 Due to industrialization, people started getting rich and their lifestyle changed a lot.

❇️️ Astrolab :-

🔹 The astrolabe was invented which helped sailors to see beyond normal vision and also helped them to avoid sea danger. Ptolemy's geographical invention helped to locate places on the basis of latitudinal and longitudinal extents.

❇️️ Tupinamba :-

🔹 People living in villages inhabited in the forests of trees called Brazil on the east coast of South America.

❇️️ Some well organized states of Central America :-

🔶 Aztec Civilization:-

🔹 Residence rural base in the Central Valley of Mexico. 

🔹 Hierarchical society. 

🔹 Kalmek : Schools of the elite class. 

🔹 Tapokalli :- Others. 

🔹 Chinampa :- An artificial island made of reed mats. 

🔶 Maya Civilization:-

🔹 Progressive Farming Methods Basis :- Maize Cultivation. 

🔹 Cultural development: architecture astronomy, mathematics, graphic script. 

🔶 Inca Civilization :-

🔹 Basis: - Agricultural main crops corn, potatoes. 

🔹 Centralized empire pyramid structure, language - Quechua, skilled builder 

❇️ Aztec Civilization :-

🔹The Aztecs migrated from the north to the Central Valley of Mexico in the 12th century. Aztec society was hierarchical. Nobility included priests and other high social groups.

🔹 The Aztecs built chinampas (artificial islands) in Lake Reid, Mexico, in which huge reed pots were weaved and covered with soil and plants. They cultivated corn, beans, squash, pumpkin, manioc root and potatoes. Land was not owned by individuals but by clans.

🔹The peasants worked in the land owned by the nobility. The Aztecs made sure that all children went to school.

🔹The Aztecs had established a very vast empire, which was spread over an area of ​​2 lakh square kilometers.

🔹 The Aztec rulers enjoyed supreme powers. Aztec women were given special status in society.

❇️️ Chinaampa :-

🔹 Chinampa:- Artificial islands were created in Lake Mexico by weaving huge reed mats and tracking them with mud and leaves.

❇️️ Inca Civilization :-

🔹In the twelfth century, the first Inca, Manco Capac, established his capital at Cuzco.

🔹 The Inca society was divided into several classes. The upper two classes enjoyed special facilities, while the slave stood at the lowest level and was treated badly.

🔹 Women were respected in the Inca society.

🔹 The Inca society placed special emphasis on education.

🔹 In Inca society, men were given military and priestly training. The Inca people were inspired to live an honest and pious lifestyle.

❇️️ Maya Civilization :-

🔹 The Maya civilization was an important Mexican civilization that came into existence in 1500 BC.

🔹 The Maya civilization reached its peak during the period between 300 and 900 CF.

🔹 The important centers of Maya civilization were Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

❇️️ Search trip results :-

🔹 The continent of America was discovered, due to which worldwide trade was encouraged.

🔹 A new way to go to India was discovered. In many countries of Europe, England, France, Spain, Portugal etc. competed to colonize and establish empires.

🔹 European civilization started spreading in America and the spread of Christianity increased.

️ ❇️ Colonization and Slave Trade :-

🔹 Native Americans were enslaved and employed in mines, plantations and factories.

🔹With this – 2 there was the emergence of the capitalist system of production. New economic activities started in full swing.

🔹 Animal husbandry was started on the land obtained by clearing the forests. Demand for cheap labor for all work.

❇️️ Cabral and Brazil :-

🔹 Cabral made a big round of West Africa to avoid stormy seas, he reached the coast of that region, which is currently called Brazil. Thus Cabral accidentally reached Brazil.

🔹 Timber, a natural resource in Brazil, was extensively exploited by the Portuguese.

🔹 The inhabitants of Brazil agreed to cut trees and make logs of them in exchange for iron knives, knives and saws and carried them to ships.

❇️️ Response of Brazilians :-

🔹 The natives asked the French priest that the land that raised you and raised you is not enough to feed your children?

🔹 Sugar mill owners started enslaved them when they refused to work.

❇️ Establishment of Spanish Empire in America :-

🔹 The expansion of the Spanish Empire was due to military power based on the use of gunpowder and horses.

🔹 In the beginning small settlements had to be established after 'discovery'. The Spaniards living in which kept a watch on the local laborers.

🔹 Recruit local princes to find new sources of gold. Military repression and forced labor.

❇️️ Epidemic Special :-

🔹 Smallpox wreaked havoc on the Arawak people because they lacked resistance.

🔹 Local people believed that the cause of the disease was invisible pills fired by the Spaniards.

🔹 The Spaniards conquered and captured two large kingdoms of this region.

🔹 This work was of Herman Cortés and Francisco Pizarro. The expenses of his campaigns were borne by the Spanish landlords, officials of the city councils and the aristocracy.

❇️️ Portuguese ruler Prince Henry Vast :-

🔹 He was known as 'Sailor Henry'. He encouraged the sailors to explore new places by waterways. He traveled to West African countries and attacked Sirsh in 1415 AD. After that the Portuguese established their trading center in the Bojador Islands of Africa by organizing several expeditions. In addition, he also established a training school for the training of sailors.

🔹 As a result, in 1487 AD, the Portuguese sailor Kovilham succeeded in reaching the Malabar Coast of India.