12th Class History Ch-4 || Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings || MCQ Term-1 || English Medium

Question 1. The Europeans of the nineteenth century were very interested in ____?

A- Kankheda buildings
B- Amaravati Stupa
C- Sanchi Stupa
D- None of these

Ans - C

Question 2. From whom did the French ask permission to take the eastern archway of Sanchi to the French Museum?

A- Shahjahan Begum
B- Sultanjahan Begum
C- Officers
D- None of these

Ans - A

Question 3. To whom did John Marshall dedicate his important texts on Sanchi?

A- Shahjahan Begum
B- Sultanjahan Begum
C- Officers
D- None of these

Ans - B

Question 4. Why is the period of the first millennium BC considered a turning point in world history?

A- Zarathustra in Iran
B- Khungtsi in China
C- Socrates, Plato, Aristotle in Greece
D- The emergence of thinkers like Mahavira, Mercury in India
E- All of the above

Ans - E

Question 5. When was the Rigveda compiled?

A- 1500 BC to 600 BC
B- 1500 BC to 400 BC
C- 1500 BC to 1000 BC
D- None of these

Ans - C

Question 6. Which gods are mentioned in Rigveda?

A- Agni
B- Indra
C- Mon
D- All of the above

Ans - D

Question 7 The ideologies found in ____ suggest that people were curious to know about the meaning of life, the possibility of life after death and rebirth?

A- Vedas
B- Mythology
C- Upanishads
D- All of the above

Ans - A

Question 8. In contemporary Buddhist texts, we find mention of __ sects or contemplative traditions?

A- 60
B- 62
C- 64
D- 67

Ans - C

Question 9. Who questioned the authority of the Vedas?

A- Mahavira
B- Buddha
C- Mahavira and Buddha both
D-None of these

Ans - C

Question 10 Tripitaka is related to which religion?

A- Jain
B- Buddhist
C- Hindu
D- None of these

Ans - B

Question 11. The collection of rules for people living in a Sangha or a Buddhist monastery is in

A- Vinaya Pitaka
B- Sutta Pitaka
C- Abhidhamma Pitaka
D- None of these

Ans - A

Question 12. The collection of teachings of Buddha is in ____?

A- Vinaya Pitaka
B- Sutta Pitaka
C- Abhidhamma Pitaka
D- None of these

Ans - B

Question 13. Before Mahavira, how many teachers (Tirthankaras) were there in Jainism?

A- 20
B- 21
C- 22
D- 23

Ans - D

Question 14. Who was the founder of Jainism?

A- Mahavir
B- Swami Rishabhdev
C- Parshvanath
D- None of these

Ans - B

Question 15 What was the childhood name of Siddhartha _ _ _ ?

A- Mahavira
B- Swami Rishabhdev
C- Parshvanath
D- Buddha

Ans - D

Question 16 Which of the following statements about Santcharitra is false?

A- Sntcritr biography of a saint or religious leaders celebrate

B- Sntcritr saint achievements

C- It factually not entirely accurate biography of gods

D- Sntcritr

Ans - D

Question 17 ____ According to philosophy the world is impermanent?

A- Jain
B- Buddhist
C- Shaiva
D- Vaishnav

Ans - B

Question 18____ The most important concept of philosophy is that the whole world is alive?

A- Jain
B- Buddhist
C- Shaiva
D- Vaishnav

Ans - B

Question 19. Such women who have attained Nirvana are called _______?

A- preacher
B- beggar
C- theri
D- none of these

Ans - C

Question 20. What were the reasons for the rapid spread of Buddhism?

A- People were dissatisfied with contemporary religious practices
B- Buddhist education gave importance to good conduct rather than superiority on the basis of birth
C. There was no discrimination of caste system
D- All of the above

Ans - D

Question 21 From very ancient times people considered certain places to be holy.
Often sacred sites were built where there was special vegetation, unique rocks or awe-inspiring natural beauty. A small altar was also maintained at some such sites, sometimes called __.

A- mound
B- chaitya
D- none of these

Ans - B

Question 22. Buddha was born in ___?

A- India
B- Nepal
C- Sri Lanka
D- Malaysia

Ans - B

Question 23. Where did Mahatma Buddha get enlightenment?

A- Sarnath
B- Bodh Gaya
C- Lumbini
D- None of these

Ans - B

Question 24. Mahatma Buddha gave the first sermon in ___?

A- Sarnath
B- Bodh Gaya
C- Lumbini
D- Kushinagar

Ans - A

25. Where did Mahatma Buddha get Nibbana?

A- Sarnath
B- Bodh Gaya
C- Lumbini
D- Kushinagar

Ans - D

Question 26___ According to a Buddhist text, Ashoka ordered to build a stupa over the relics of Buddha by dividing them into every important part?

A- Asokavadan
B- Sutta Pitaka
C- Vinaya Pitaka
D- None of these

Ans - A

Q27 When did the Commissioner of Guntur visit Amaravati?

A- 1850
B- 1852
C- 1853
D- 1854

Ans - D

Question 28 Initially the temple was in the form of a square room?

A- Ancient Temple
B- Sanctuary
C- Place of Worship
D- Peak

Ans - B

Question 29. The oldest artificial cave was built on the orders of Ashoka for the __ sect?

A- Jain sect
B- Buddhist sect
C- Ajivak sect
D- none of these

Ans - C

Question 30 Kailashnath temple is in _ _ _ _?

A- Bihar
B- Gujarat
C- Maharashtra
D- none of these

Ans - C

Question 31 The tradition in which Lord Vishnu is considered as the most important deity is called?

A- Vaishnava
B- Shaivite
C- Jain
D- Buddhist

Ans - A

Question 32 The tradition in which Lord Shiva is considered as the most important deity is called?

A- Vaishnava
B- Shaivite
C- Jain
D- Buddhist

Ans - B

Question 33 Who is included in the concept of ten incarnations?

A- Vaishnava
B- Shaivite
C- Jain
D- Buddhist

Ans - A

Question 34 James Ferguson, ignorant of Buddhist literature, considered Sanchi to be the center of __ and __ worship?

A- Nature, Tree
B- Tree, Snake
C- Mother Goddess, Pampadevi
D- None of these

Ans - B

Question 35. Where did the Guntur Commissioner take the idols and stones from the Amaravati stupa?

A- Gujarat
B- Maharashtra
C- Madras
D- Sanchi

Ans - C

Question 36 "I find it a suicidal and incapable policy to let the ancient artefacts of this country be looted" (Whose statement is this?)

A- James Ferguson
B- H H Cole
C- John Marshall
D- None of these

Ans - B

Question 37 What is the literal meaning of the word Tripitaka?

A- three baskets
B- four baskets
C- five baskets
D- seven baskets

Ans - A

Question 38 Who is the author of Buddhacharita?

A- Gautam Budh
B- Ashwaghosh
C- Mahavir
D- Parshvanath

Ans - B

Question 39 When was the Indian Museum established in Calcutta?

A- 1614
B- 1714
C- 1814
D- 1914

Ans - C

Question 40 When was Sanchi declared as Vishwakala Day Sthan?

A- 1614
B- 1714
C- 1814
D- 1989

Ans - D

Question 41 When was John Marshall's book Manual Conservation published?

A- 1925
B- 1714
C- 1923
D- 1989

Ans - C

Question 42 Who was the author of Bhilsa Tops, one of the earliest books on Sanchi?

A- John Marshall
B- Alexander Cunningham
C- H H Call
D- None of these

Ans - B

Q43 When was Buddha Gaya: The Heritage of Shakyamuni published?

A- 1925
B- 1878
C- 1923
D- 1989

Ans - B

Question 44 According to Buddhism, what is "the end of ego and desire" called?

A- nirvana
B- attainment of knowledge
C-becoming a monk
D- none of these

Ans - A

Question 45_ _ _ _ Philosophy is a collection of subjects related to?

A- Vinaya Pitaka
B- Sutta Pitaka
C- Abhidhamma Pitaka
D- None of these

Ans - C

Question 46. Which is the oldest religion among the following religions?

A- Sanatan Dharma
B- Jainism
C- Buddhism
D- None of these

Ans - A

1. How many avatars of Vishnu were identified by the Vaishnavas?
(a) eight
(b) nine
(c) ten
(d) eleven
► (c) ten

2. During the mid-first millenium BC, the religious philosophy of Zarathustra prevailed in
(a) Greece.
(b) China.
(c) India.
(d) Iran.
► (d) Iran.

3. Hagiography is the biography of a/an:
(a) king
(b) brahmin
(c) scholar
(d) saint
► (d) saint

4. Vardhamana came to be known as
(a) Buddha.
(b) Kalhana.
(c) Kalidasa.
(d) Mahavira.
► (d) Mahavira.

5. After Buddhism reached East Asia, pilgrims travelled to India, in search of Buddhist texts, from:
(a) Tibet
(b) China
(c) Korea
(d) Japan
► (b) China

6. A form of Hinduism within which Vishnu was worshipped as the principal deity is known as
(a) Brahmanism.
(b) Vaishnavism.
(c) Shaivism.
(d) Bhagavatism.
► (b) Vaishnavism.

7. The famous Buddhist centre Amaravati is located in the modern Indian State of
(a) Andhra Pradesh.
(b) Assam.
(c) Karnataka.
(d) Tamil Nadu.
► (a) Andhra Pradesh.

8. In cities of Taxila and Peshawar, Indo-Greek rulers had established kingdoms in the
(a) second century BCE.
(b) third century BCE.
(c) fourth century BCE.
(d) fifth century BCE.
► (a) second century BCE.

9. Buddha was born in
(a) Lumbini.
(b) Vaishali.
(c) Gaya.
(d) Rajgriha.
► (a) Lumbini.

10. According to Jainism, the last tirthankara was:
(a) Makkhali Gosala
(b) Siddhartha
(c) Mahavira
(d) Ajita Kesakambalin
► (c) Mahavira

11. ______ consists of hymns in praise of a variety of deities, especially Agni, Indra and Soma.
(a) The Rigveda
(b) The Yajurveda
(c) The Samaveda
(d) The Atharvaveda
► (a) The Rigveda

12. The internal function of the Sangha was based on the traditions of _____.
(a) Jataka
(b) Ganas
(c) Grihapatis
(d) Yajnas
► (b) Ganas

13. Mahavira and the Buddha, questioned the authority of _______.
(a) The Jataka
(b) The Ganas
(c) The Vedas
(d) The Yajnas
► (c) The Vedas

14. Who was the first woman to be ordained as a bhikkhuni?
(a) Mahapajapati Gotami
(b) Mahapajapati Bodhi
(c) Mahapajapati Grishma
(d) None of the above
► Mahapajapati Gotami

12th Class MCQ Questions Term - I (2021-22)

History – Themes in Indian History

Pol Science – Contemporary World Politics

– Politics in India since Independence

Geography – Indian People and Economy