Ch-3 New Centers of Power || B-1 Pol. Science 12th class || MCQ Questions 2021-22


New Centers of Power

1 Mark Question

1.Which organization was established in 1948 under the Marshall Plan? - European Organization for Economic Cooperation

2. Which leader in China and when adopted the policy of 'open door'? - Deng Xiopeng

3. During the time of which Prime Minister of China, four proposals for modernization were made? - 1978 Chou Enlai

4. Write the full name of ASEAN -  Association of South East Asian Nations (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

5. When and by which treaty was the European Union formed? - 1992, Maastricht Treaty

With which two countries of ASEAN India has signed a free trade agreement? - Singapore and Thailand

7.ASEAN ended the conflict of which two countries by 'ASEAN style'? -  Cambodia and East Timor

8.' Which countries opposed the acceptance of Euro' currency? - Sweden and Denmark

9. When and by which treaty the border control between the countries of the European Community was abolished? - 1985, Schengen Treaty

10. Name the currency of European Union. -  Euro

11. When did China invade India? - October 1962

12. On which country was the economic model adopted after the Chinese revolution under Mao's leadership? - Soviet Union

13.Which of the following statements is false?-

i) ASEAN has been established by 5 countries together. ii) At present its membership number is 10.

iii) Respect for national sovereignty is important in the functioning of ASEAN. iv) ASEAN Regional Forum was established in 1992.

 iv) The ASEAN Regional Forum was established in 1992.

14. When was agriculture privatized in China? - In 1982

15. Write the detailed form of China's ambitious plan OBOR. - One Belt One Roads

16.Write the names of two founding member countries of the sky.- Indonesia and Malaysia