Ch-3 India's Foreign Policy || B-2 Pol. Science 12th Class || MCQ Questions 2021-22

 India's Foreign Policy

1 Mark Question

1. Mention any two features of India's foreign policy?  non-alignment and Panchsheel

2. When did Jawaharlal Nehru announce Panchsheel?  1954

3. What was the reason for India adopting non-alignment policy?  operates the world into factionalism fall adopted a policy of non-alignment to freely develop.

4. When did the Indo-China war happen? - 1962

5. Which state is called 'NEFA'?  Arunachal Pradesh

6. Write the word expansion of NPT?  nuclear non-proliferation treaty

7. To whom did India give political asylum in 1959  ? Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama

8. When and where did India conduct its first nuclear test?  1974 in Pokhran, Rajasthan

9. Who is known by the surname Bangabandhu?  Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

10. When did Bangladesh come into existence? - 1971

11. Write the word expansion of NATO?  North Atlantic Treaty Organization

12. When and where did India conduct its second nuclear test?  Five nuclear tests in Pokhran, Rajasthan in 1998

13. When did the United Nations remove the Kashmir issue from its 'disputed area' list? - 2010

14. Which of the following sentences is false. 
i) By adopting the policy of non-alignment, India was able to get the help of both the Soviet Union and the United States. 
ii) India had refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1968. 
iii) The Cold War also had an impact on Indo-Pak relations. 
iv) India and the US signed a 20-point treaty.  iv) India and US signed 20 point treaty. 

15. Arunachal Pradesh was called at that time .....  ? NEFA or North East Frontier

16. McMahon boundary line was drawn between which two countries  ?  - India and China

17. State the present member strength of non-aligned countries. -  120 members

18. Indus river water agreement was between which two nations  -  India and Pakistan