Gulf War and Commonwealth of Independent States || Ch-2 B-1 Pol. Science Class 12th || New Topic || English Medium || NCERT CBSE

Gulf War and Commonwealth of Independent States

First Gulf War (1991):-

  • When the combined army of 34 countries invaded Iraq to liberate Kuwait and defeated it in the war. This war is   known as the First Gulf War . 

Cause of the First Gulf War:-

  • The cause of the First Gulf War was when Iraq invaded and occupied Kuwait in August 1990.

  • After that every attempt to convince Iraq failed.

  • Then the United Nations allowed the use of force to liberate Kuwait.

  • This was a dramatic decision for the United Nations, which was silent on most matters during the Cold War, which is why US President  George Bush  called it the  'New World Order '.


  • The combined army of 34 countries opened a front against Iraq and defeated it in the war. This is  called the  First Gulf War .

  • This campaign is  also called Operation Desert Storm  , which was an American military operation to some extent because 75% of the soldiers in it were from America.

  • American General Norman Schwarzkov  was at the head of this campaign.

  • Iraq's President Saddam Hussein called it a war of a hundred wars.

Result of the first gulf war:-

  • Kuwait was liberated.

  • From this war it became clear that America's military power is more than other countries.

  • America used smart bombs in this war, due to which it   was also called computer war .

  • This war has received a lot of coverage on television, for this reason it is   also called video game war .

  • America got economic benefits from the war because it got more money from countries like Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia than what it spent on this war.

Second gulf war:-

  • On 19 March 2003, the US launched a   military attack on Iraq codenamed Operation Iraqi Freedom .

  • More than 40 countries participated in the American-led Coalition Ow Willings (Aspirant's Mahajot).

  • The United Nations did not allow the US to attack.

  • It was said that Iraq was attacked to prevent the production of weapons of mass destruction, but there was no evidence of the presence of these weapons in Iraq.


  • The first objective of the Second Gulf War was to capture Iraq's oil reserves.

  • Its second objective is to establish the desired government of America in Iraq.

  • The end of Saddam Hussein.

  • An estimated 50,000 civilians were killed after the attack.

The reasons for the American failure in this attack:-

  • Rebellion against America erupted in Iraq.

  • 3000 American soldiers died in the war.

  • This attack proved unsuccessful on the military and political level.

Common wealth of independent states:-

  • The countries under the Commonwealth of Nations came into existence as a result of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and this organization brings all those countries on a single platform.

  • Established – 8 December 1991.

  • Founding countries – Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.

  • Headquarters – Belarus.

Objective  of the Commonwealth of Independent States:-
  • The festival reaches out to the countries that have become independent from the Soviet Union,

  • Promote national security there.

  • Promote policies related to disarmament.

  • To work for establishing economic unity among its member countries.

  • Coming together to solve the problems of economic backwardness and poverty prevailing in these countries.