Arab Spring || Ch-2 B-1 Pol. Science Class 12th || New Topic || English Medium || NCERT CBSE

Arab Spring

Meaning of Arab Revolt:-

  • The Arab Rebellion was a pro-democracy rebellion by Arab countries against their dictatorial government that started in Tunisia (Arab country).

Beginning of Arab Revolt:-

  • Mohammed Bouzzi, a vegetable and fruit seller from Tunisia, had applied for licenses for his shop but he was not getting permission for the license.
  • On December 17, when he reached his place to sell his goods, another vendor was selling fruits there and when he talked to the police there, the police took away all his belongings and beat him up a lot. Went.
  • Due to this misbehavior with him, he committed suicide in front of a government office in Tunisia. After his death, the people there started protesting against his dictatorial government.
  • The government even fired bullets at the people to stop the rebellion, but still the rebellion could not be stopped.
  • At that time there was the rule of EL ABIDINE BEN ALI.
  • His government imposed a curfew to stop the rebellion, but still the people could not be pacified and in the end Ben Ali had to resign from his post. The Arab Revolution is also known as the Jasmine Revolution.

The Arab Revolution spread from Tunisia to the following Arab countries:-

  • Egypt
  • Libya
  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Morocco etc.

The main objective of the Arab Revolt:-

  • Put an end to the dictator
  • Freedom from corrupt rulers
  • To establish democracy
  • For financial freedom
  • To eliminate corruption
  • To eliminate poverty, unemployed etc.

Consequences of the Arab revolt:-

  • Tunisia was the biggest beneficiary of the Arab revolution and because it did not benefit all Arab countries, this revolution is not considered to be very successful.
  • In countries such as Libya and Syria, the uprising did not succeed due to outside interference.
  • In countries like Yemen, the revolution was suppressed by military rule, which strengthened the military rule there. Saudi Arabia made constitutional reforms and provided many facilities to the people to please the people and reduce the rebellion.
  • Countries like Kuwait, Lebanon also made some administrative reforms to reduce the rebellion.