6. Indian Politics : Trends and Developments || Pol. Science Class 12th Chapter-6 (Book-2) Notes in English || NCERT CBSE


❇️️️ The challenge of political succession :-

🔹Jawaharlal Nehru died in May 1964.

🔹The 1960s is called a dangerous decade. Poverty, inequality, communal, regional division.

🔹The President of Congress Party was K. Kamaraj.

🔹After the death of Jawaharlal Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri was the Prime Minister of the country from 1964 to 1966. 

🔹Shastri ji died on 10 January 1966 in Tashkent.

🔹At that time India was going through incidents like loss of China war, economic crisis, drought, failure of monsoon, war with Pakistan.

❇️️️️ After Shastri ji Indira Gandhi :-

🔹After the death of Shastri, there was a struggle between Morarji Desai and Indira Gandhi for a political successor and Indira Gandhi was made the Prime Minister. 

🔹The Syndicate supported Indira Gandhi in making her the Prime Minister despite being inexperienced, assuming that she would depend on the Syndicate for direction. Despite the competition for leadership, the transfer of power in the party took place very peacefully.

❇️️️️ Non Congress issue :-

🔹The parties which were different from each other on the ground of their program and ideologies, united and they formed an anti-Congress front by doing electoral coordination in the matter of seats. Socialist leader Ram Manohar Lohia named this strategy as non-Congressism.

️ ❇️️️ Fourth General Election 1967 :-

🔹The situation of economic crisis in the country due to failure of monsoon, widespread drought, reduction in foreign exchange reserves, decline in exports and increase in military expenditure. 

🔹The opposition parties started mobilizing the public, in such a situation, facing the elections of the inexperienced Prime Minister was also a big challenge. The results of the elections were called a political earthquake. 

🔹Congress could not form government in 9 states (Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Pt. Bengal, Orissa, Madras and Kerala). These states were not located in any one part of India.

🔹For the first time in Tamil Nadu, a regional party got a majority, DMK formed the government.

🔹This party opposed Hindi as the official language and this party formed the government.

️ ❇️️️ Alliance :-

🔹The phenomenon of coalition came to the fore from the 1967 elections. The parties did not get majority. Several non-Congress governments came together to form a Joint Legislature Party.

🔹Party of different ideologies joined the alliance.

🔹Bihar - Samajwadi + PCP Party included.

️ ❇️️️ Change of party :-

🔹When a public representative wins an election on the election symbol of a particular party and after winning the election, leaving that party and joining another party, it is called defection. 

🔹After the 1967 elections, Gayalal, a Congress MLA (Haryana), changed the party thrice in a fortnight, the phrase 'Ayaram- Gayaram' was coined in his name. This jumla is related to the concept of defection. The group of influential and powerful leaders within the Congress was informally called Syndicate. The leaders of this group had control over the organization of the party.

️ ❇️️️ Partition of Congress :- 

🔹The growing differences between the Syndicate and Indira Gandhi and the Indira Gandhi-supported candidate in the presidential election (1969) V.V. Giri's victory and Congress's official candidate N. The Congress had to face the challenge of partition in 1969 due to the defeat of Sajeeva Reddy.

🔹Divided into Congress (Organisation) and Congress (Requisitionist).

✳️ Conclusion: -

🔹In the 1971 elections, Indira Gandhi, regaining the lost ground of her mass base, once again established the Congress with the slogan of Garibi Hatao.

️ Leaders of Syndicate                 ️     State     

  • K. Kamaraj                              Madras
    ( Mid day Meal
   famous for starting)

  • S. Of . Patil                             Bombay (Mumbai) City
  • K. s . Nija Lingappa                  Mysore (Karnataka)
  • N. Sajiva Reddy                       Andhra Pradesh
  • Atulya Ghosh                          West Bengal

❇️️️ Presidential election of 1969 :-

🔹Dr. After the death of Zakir Hussain, the syndicate appointed the then Lok Sabha Speaker N. Sanjiva Reddy was declared the candidate of the Congress party.

🔹Indira Gandhi appointed the then Vice President V. v . Giri was nominated for the post of President as an independent candidate. Indira Gandhi asked to vote on the voice of conscience, V. v . Giri won the election.

The Congress split after the presidential elections in 1969.

❇️️️ Division of Congress: -

1) Cong ' O ' (Syndicate Backed Group)
2) Cong. ( R ) ( Indira Gandhi backed group )

🔹Before merging the princely states into the Indian Union, the government gave the then ruling family of the princely states the right to keep a certain amount of private property and also assured to give some special allowances from the government.

🔹Both of these (private property and allowances) will be decided on the basis of what is the expansion, revenue and capacity of that princely state. This system was called Privy Purse) Indira Gandhi adopted a ten-point program to recover the lost ground of 1967 elections, this included nationalization of banks, government distribution of food grains, land reforms etc.

🔹In the 1971 elections, the non-communist and non-Congress opposition parties formed the electoral alliance "Grand Alliance".

🔹Indira Gandhi kept a positive program and gave the slogan of Garibi Hatao. Grand Alliance gave the slogan 'Indira Hatao'. Indira Gandhi insisted in the election campaign on the abolition of the pricy purse.

❇️️️️ Election Result :-

🔹Congress 'R' and C. P . I - 375 seats
🔹Coalition - 352 Congress R + 23
🔹Communist Party Congress - 16 seats
🔹Grand Alliance - Less than 40 seats

❇️️️️ Restoration of Congress system :-

🔹Now the Congress was completely based on the popularity of its supreme leader. Congress was no longer a party taking different interests and interests together.

🔹It was dependent on certain social classes like poor, women, dalits, tribals and minorities.

🔹Indira Gandhi restored the Congress but changed the nature of the Congress system. The organizational structure of the party was also relatively weak.

🔹Politics of Garibi Hatao - The slogan of 'Garibi Hatao' and the program associated with it was the political strategy of Indira Gandhi. With the help of this, she wanted to prepare the foundation of nationwide political support for herself.

🔹With this, Indira Gandhi tried to prepare the basis of her support among the deprived sections, especially the landless farmers, Dalits and Adivasis, minorities, women and unemployed youth. As a result, in the 1971 elections, he got an absolute majority.

History – Themes in Indian History

Chapter 1: - Bricks, Beads and Bones

Chapter 2: - Kings, Farmers and Towns

Chapter 3: - Kinship, Caste and Class

Chapter 4: - Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings

Chapter 5: - Through the Eyes of Travellers

Chapter 6: - Bhakti- Sufi Traditions

Chapter 7: - An Imperial Capital Vijayanagara

Chapter 8: - Peasants, Zamindars and the State

Chapter 9: - Kings and Chronicles

Chapter 10: - Colonialism and the Countryside

Chapter 11: - Rebels and the Raj

Chapter 12: - Colonial Cities

Chapter 13: - Mahatma Gandhi and National Movements

Chapter 14: - Understanding Partition

Chapter 15: - Framing and the Constitution

Pol Science – Contemporary World Politics

Chapter 1: - Cold War Era and Non-aligned Movement

Chapter 2: - The End of Bipolarity️

Chapter 3: - New Centres of Power

Chapter 4: - South Asia and the Contemporary World

Chapter 5: - United Nations and its Organizations

Chapter 6: - Globalization

– Politics in India since Independence

Chapter 1: - Challenges of Nation - Building️

Chapter 2:- Planned Development️

Chapter 3: - India's Foreign Policy

Chapter 4: - Parties and the Party System in India

Chapter 5: - Democratic Resurgence

Chapter 6: - Indian Politics: Trends and Developments

Geography – Indian People and Economy

Chapter 1: - Human Geography

Chapter 2: - The World Population

Chapter 3: - Population Composition

Chapter 4: - Human Development Growth and Development

Chapter 5: - Primary Activities

Chapter 6: - Secondary Activities

Chapter 7: - Tertiary and Quaternary Activities

Chapter 8: - Transport and Communication

Chapter 9: - International Trade

Chapter 10: - Human Settlements



Fundamental of Human Geography

Chapter 1: - Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition

Chapter 2: - Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences

Chapter 3: - Human Development

Chapter 4: - Human Settlements

Chapter 5: - Land Resources and agriculture

Chapter 6: - Water Resources

Chapter 7: - Mineral and Energy Resources

Chapter 8: - Manufacturing Industries

Chapter 9: - Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian

Chapter 10: - Transport and Communication

Chapter 11: - International Trade

Chapter 12: - Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems