Terrorism || Ch-6 B-1 Pol. Science Class 12th || New Topic || English Medium || NCERT CBSE



  • Terrorism Terrorism is an illegal form of violence used by terrorists to intimidate people. Today, terrorism has become a social issue. It is being used to intimidate the common people and the government. Terrorism is being used by various social organizations, politicians and business industries to achieve their goals very easily. A group of people who support terrorism are called terrorists. 

Introduction :-

  • The main aim of terrorist groups is to create terror among the people and they like to see people with this constant fear and fear and to fulfill this purpose they do various small and big terrorist activities from time to time. . 
  • Terrorism today does not need any borders, it has spread its feet not only in India but all over the world, but if we talk about the change in this idea, after the incident of 9/11 (USA), it has been defined as a global problem. has gone . 
  • Talking about India, there are more than 100 terrorist organizations operating here and they have also been successful in creating an atmosphere of tension and fear in the country. 
  • Many terrorist activities have been carried out by these terrorist groups. 
  • India has been greatly damaged by the terrorist acts committed by its neighboring country mainly by Pakistan.

Terrorists operating in India:-  

  • Organization Jaish-e-Mohammed: It is a Pakistani terrorist group operating in Jammu and Kashmir, whose aim is to capture Jammu and Kashmir. The group has also carried out several terrorist attacks to further its goal of the Valley. 
  • Lashkar-e-Taiba: This is an Islamabad terrorist group operating in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir as well as in the areas of Jammu and Kashmir of India. It is funded by Pakistan and is responsible for many major terrorist attacks in India. 
  • Maoists : After the talks between the left wing terrorists and the Government of India in 2004 , this terrorist group merged with the Naxalite groups . Lashkar-e-Taiba was formed. 
  • United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA): This terrorist group is responsible for various terrorist activities in the Indian state of Assam.

Reason for terrorism in India:-

  • There are many reasons for the widespread spread of terrorism in India. 
  • There are mainly four types of terrorism in India. This includes religious terrorism, narco terrorism, left wing terrorism and ethno-nationalist terrorism. 
  • Terrorists belonging to different terrorist organizations may unite for different reasons, but the main objective of all terrorist organizations running under them is the same and it is always ready to create fear and panic on a large scale among the general public. live. 

Terrorist attack in India:-

Many terrorist attacks can be seen in India which have created fear and panic among the public and caused massive destruction. Following are some of the major terrorist attacks that have affected India badly in the last few years -

  • Mumbai Serial Blast: Serial blasts took place all over Mumbai on 12 March 1993. D Company was behind these blasts. 257 people were killed in this attack, while 713 people were injured.
  • Coimbatore blast: On February 14, 1998, the Islamic group Al Ummah detonated 12 bombs at 11 different places in Coimbatore. In this the terrorists killed 60 people, while 200 people were injured. Exactly the following year, on November 3, 1999, 10 soldiers were martyred in the attack at Badam Bagh in Srinagar. 
  • Attack on Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly: On 1 October 2001, 3 suicide bombers by Jaish-e-Mohammed carried out a car bomb attack on the assembly building in which 38 people were killed. 
  • Attack on Indian Parliament: On 13 December 2001, 5 terrorists of Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-Mohammed entered the Parliament House complex, which is considered the safest of India. However, the security forces killed the terrorists and the terrorists failed in their plan. There were 100 politicians present in the Parliament House at the time of the attack. In this attack 6 policemen and 3 Parliament House personnel were killed. 
  • Delhi Serial Force Blast: On 29 October 2005, 2 days before Diwali, terrorists carried out 3 bomb blasts. 2 blasts took place in main markets like Sarojini Nagar and Pahargaj. The third blast took place in a bus in Govindpuri. A total of 63 people were killed in this while 210 people were injured. 
  • Mumbai Train Blast: On 11 July 2006, 7 different bombs exploded in Mumbai's local trains. Bombs were placed in all explosive first class coaches. Indian Mujahideen was involved in these blasts. In this a total of 210 people were killed and 715 people were injured. 
  • Blasts in Assam: On 30 October 2008, a total of 18 blasts were carried out by terrorists at different places in the capital Guwahati. A total of 81 people were killed in these blasts while 470 people were injured. 
  • 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack: On November 26, 2008, 10 suicide bombers from Pakistan opened indiscriminate firing at many places apart from serial bomb blasts. The terrorists had captured Nariman House, Hotel Taj and Hotel Oberoi. About 180 people were killed in this attack and about 300 people were injured. Terrorist Kasab was caught, who was hanged after trial.
  • Pulwama Terror Attack: 14 February 2019 Fidayeen attack was carried out on CRPF convoy going from Jammu to Kashmir near Pulwama, in which 4 CRPF personnel were killed, which was taken by Pakistan-based terrorist organization Jaish-e-Mehmad. 

Means of terrorism:-

1.     Traditional Means:

  • Taking people hostage and hijacking.
  • Forced takeover of buildings, especially government public ones. 
  • Attacking persons and property using weapons, buses, Iedo, grenades, landmines.
  • Currently there is an increase in resorting to suicide attacks and kidnappings. 

2.     Non-Traditional Means:

  • Acquisition of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons as weapons of mass destruction by terrorists is also a serious threat such as cyber terrorism and environmental terrorism. 

3.     Cyber ​​- terrorism :

  • Cyber-terrorism is a combination of terrorism and cyberspace. 
  • It can be understood to mean illegal attacks and threats of attack against computers, networks and the information stored therein, primarily for the fulfillment of political or social interests or with the intention of intimidating or victimizing the government or the people. 
  • Cyber-terrorism is the most advanced means of terrorist strategy developed due to advances in information and communication technologies that enable terrorists to perform their tasks with minimal physical risk.


  • Terrorism has affected India adversely. Thousands of people have lost their lives due to terrorist attacks. 
  • Despite the formation of anti-terrorist agencies and their high-end strategies, the terrorist group is still successful in carrying out terrorist activities. 
  • The Indian government's response to terrorist attacks has never been as harsh as it should have been. 
  • Lack of proper strategic response to terrorist activities encourages terrorist organizations to carry out such activities fearlessly